Final exam scores.
Math course anxiety, math test anxiety, numerical task anxiety, enjoyment, self-confidence, motivation, and perceived usefulness of the feedback sessions.
11.3 GPA is left-skewed, and there may be extreme observations at 0 and 0.5. SATM, SATCR, and SATW all look normally distributed, without any extreme values.
11.5 Yes, they are more or less randomly dispersed around 0.
A small P-value indicates that at least one explanatory variable is significant.
The null hypothesis should be
The response variable is dog life expectancy.
The explanatory variables are the breed’s autosomal inbreeding coefficient and the logarithm of the adult male average weight.
Life expectancy decreases as weight and inbreeding level increase.
(0.0334, 12.9666).
(0.124, 9.676).
The sources of variation are model
Things seem as expected: the three anxiety variables have negative signs, and the other four variables all have positive signs.
7 and 158.
Only the variable Feedback usefulness is significant
Source | DF | Sum of squares | Mean square | F |
Model | 3 | 90 | 30 | 2.857 |
Error | 40 | 420 | 10.5 | |
Total | 43 | 510 |
11.15 (a–d) Answers will vary.
10, which is the slope for x.
5, which is the slope for x.
No, the overall model is significant.
Division, November, Weekend, Night, and Promotion are all significant in the presence of all the other explanatory variables.
A prediction interval is more appropriate to represent this particular case.
Teaching and Research are both right-skewed. Citations is left-skewed.
Teaching and Research are very strongly linearly related
The residuals look evenly distributed around 0.
For Teaching: (0.17659, 0.26967); for Research: (0.34649, 0.42825); for Citations: (0.27350, 0.34825).
11.25 Generally, all four plots show the same random scattering, and the conditions are met for a multiple regression model.
11.27 HSS and SATM are significant or very close (at the 0.05 level) in each of the models we considered; thus, these two variables would definitely be included. HSM, HSE, and SATW were not significant in any of the models we considered, so we likely would not want them in our model. If we had to choose from one of the four given, the model with HSM, HSS, and SATM seems like the best candidate.
Only Admit has a significant t test
For Model 1: 200; for Model 2: 199.
For Gene expression:
The relationship is still positive after adjusting for RB. When gene expression increases by 1, popularity increases by 0.204 in Model 1 and by 0.161 in Model 2 (with RB fixed).
8 and 786.
7.84%; it is not very predictive.
Males and Hispanics consume energy drinks more frequently. Consumption also increases with risk-taking scores.
Within a group of students with identical (or similar) values of those other variables, energy-drink consumption increases with increasing jock identity and increasing risk taking.
No violations.
Budget and Opening are right-skewed. Theaters and Ratings are left-skewed.
The correlations are 0.403, 0.570, 0.625, 0.281, 0.151, and
The residual plot shows a slight downward trend, suggesting another model may be more appropriate.
The intervals are similar.
GINI and Corrupt skewed to the right, the other three skewed to the left. GINI, Democracy, and Life have the most skewness.
LSI seems moderately correlated with Corrupt, Democracy, and
Refer to your regression output.
For example, the t statistic for the GINI coefficient
grows from
A good choice is to use GINI, Life, and Corrupt. All three
coefficients are significant, and
All variables are normal when log transformed. All pairs are
positively associated: strongest between
The residual plot shows a possible violation of constant variance. The residuals are Normal, except for two possible outliers.
When we add PCB180 to the model, it makes PCB118 useful for prediction.
The correlations are all positive; the largest correlation is 0.956 (LPCB and LPCB138), and the smallest is 0.227 (LPCB28 and LPCB180). There is one outlier (specimen 39) in LPCB28; it stands out because of the “stack” of values in the LPCB126 data set that arose from the adjustment of the zero terms.
All correlations are higher with the transformed data.
A good model includes logPCB28, logPCB118, and logPCB126;
Taste: 24.53, 20.95, 16.26, 23.9. Acetic: 5.50, 5.43, 0.57, 0.66. H2S: 5.94, 5.33, 2.13, 3.69. Lactic: 1.44, 1.45, 0.30, 0.43. None of the variables show striking deviations from Normality in the quantile plots. Taste and H2S are slightly right-skewed, and Acetic has an irregular shape. There are no outliers.
For Age,
Education-matched controls, age, and age for retired football players have statistically significant impacts on volume.