Chapter 13 EXERCISES

  1. 13.24 What’s wrong? For each of the following, explain what is wrong and why.

    1. A two-way ANOVA is used when there are two outcome variables.

    2. In a 2×3 ANOVA, there are three levels of Factor A.

    3. In an I×J ANOVA, DFAB=IJ1.

    4. In a 5×3 ANOVA, there are 15 marginal means.

  2. 13.25 What’s wrong? For each of the following, explain what is wrong and why.

    1. You should reject the null hypothesis that there is no interaction in a two-way ANOVA when the AB F statistic is small.

    2. Sums of squares are equal to mean squares divided by degrees of freedom.

    3. The test statistics for the main effects in a two-way ANOVA have a chi-square distribution when the null hypothesis is true.

    4. When the nij vary, the degrees of freedom might not add.

  3. 13.26 Determining the critical value of F. For each of the following situations, state how large the F statistic needs to be for rejection of the null hypothesis at the 5% level. Sketch each distribution and indicate the region where you would reject.

    1. The main effect for the first factor in a 2×5 ANOVA with three observations per cell.

    2. The interaction in a 3×2 ANOVA with six observations per cell.

    3. The interaction in a 2×3 ANOVA with six observations per cell.

  4. 13.27 Describe the two-way problem. Each of the following situations is a two-way study design. For each case, identify the response variable and both factors and state the number of levels for each factor (I and J) and the total number of observations (N).

    1. A suitcase producer investigates the impact of color saturation on willingness to pay. A total of 156 participants were randomly assigned the goal of buying a carry-on suitcase that is either large enough to hold plenty of belongings or small enough to fit in the overhead storage compartment. They were then randomly shown a red carry-on suitcase with high or low color saturation and asked for the price they’d be willing to pay for it.

    2. A grocery store chain is considering introducing self-scanners to its stores. A study was run in which 139 participants were randomly assigned either the use of a scanner or not. After shopping, the participant left a copy of their receipt and filled out a survey. The survey classified each participant’s self-control into one of four categories. The response was the total amount spent at the store.

    3. Is there an optimum surface roughness when bonding joining parts? A materials researcher investigates six different adhesives and four different degrees of surface roughness. For each combination, she considers four specimens. The response is the tensile strength of the bond after 48 hours.

  5. 13.28 Outlining the ANOVA table. Refer to the previous exercise. For each situation, outline the ANOVA table, giving the sources of variation and the degrees of freedom.

  6. 13.29 Is there an interaction? Each of the following tables gives means for a two-way ANOVA. Make a plot of the means with the levels of Factor A on the x axis. State whether there is an interaction, and if there is, describe it.

    1. Factor B Factor A
       1  2  3
      1 15 21 27
      2  7 10 13

    2. Factor B Factor A
       1  2  3
      1 12 17 22
      2 25 30 35

    3. Factor B Factor A
       1  2  3
      1 13  8 18
      2 20 25 15

    4. Factor B Factor A
       1  2  3
      1 20  5 20
      2 15 30 15

  7. 13.30 Influence of age and sex on motor performance. The slowing of motor performance as humans age is well established. Differences across the sexes, however, are less so. A recent study assessed the motor performance of 246 healthy adults.15 One task was to tap the thumb and forefinger of the right hand together 20 times as quickly as possible. The following table summarizes the results (in seconds) for seven age classes and two sexes:

    Age class (years) Males Females
    n x¯ s n x¯ s
    41–50 19 4.72 1.31 19 5.88 0.82
    51–55 12 4.10 1.62 12 5.93 1.13
    56–60 12 4.80 1.04 12 5.85 0.87
    61–65 24 5.08 0.98 24 5.81 0.94
    66–70 17 5.47 0.85 17 6.50 1.23
    71–75 23 5.84 1.44 23 6.12 1.04
    > 75 16 5.86 1.00 16 6.19 0.91

    Generate a plot to look at changes in the time across age class for each sex. Describe what you see in terms of the main effects for Age and Sex as well as their interaction.

  8. 13.31 Influence of age and sex on motor performance (continued). Refer to the previous exercise.

    1. In their article, the researchers state that each of their response variables was assessed for Normality prior to performing a two-way ANOVA. Is it necessary for the 246 time measurements to be Normally distributed? Explain your answer.

    2. Using the rule from Chapter 12 (page 608), is it reasonable to pool the variances? Explain your answer.

    3. Suppose for these data that SS(Sex)=44.66, SS(Age)=31.97, SS(interaction)=13.22, and SSE=280.95. Construct an ANOVA table and state your conclusions.

  9. 13.32 Significant effects and the interaction plot. Consider a 2×2 ANOVA in which only the F tests for the main effect of A and the interaction AB are statistically significant. Create an interaction plot with factor B on the x axis that could be possible given these results.

  10. 13.33 Where are your eyes? The objectifying gaze, often referred to as “ogling” or “checking out,” can have many adverse consequences. A group of researchers used eye-tracking technology to better understand the nature and causes for this gaze. They asked 29 women and 36 men to look at images of college-aged women. Each woman had the same clothes and neutral expression but varied in body shape (ideal, average, and below average). Prior to looking at the images, each participant was told to focus on either the appearances or personalities of the women. Here is a summary of the amount of time (in milliseconds) the eyes focused on the chest of the women:16

    Focus Sex
    Male Female
    x¯ SE x¯ SE
    Appearance 448.25 35.98 463.22 48.09
    Personality 338.78 54.25 276.48 46.06
    1. Plot the means. Do you think there is an interaction? Explain your answer.

    2. Do you think the marginal means would be useful for understanding the results of this study? Explain why or why not.

    3. The researchers broke these results down further using body shape as a third factor. Describe why the inclusion of this factor complicates the analysis. In other words, why is this not a standard 2×2×3 experiment?

  11. 13.34 A radon exposure study. Scientists believe that exposure to the radioactive gas radon is associated with some types of cancers in the respiratory system. Radon from natural sources is present in many homes in the United States. A group of researchers decided to study the problem in dogs because dogs get similar types of cancers and are exposed to environments similar to those of their owners. Radon detectors are available for home monitoring, but the researchers wanted to obtain actual measures of the exposure of a sample of dogs. To do this, they placed the detectors in holders and attached them to the collars of the dogs. One problem was that the holders might, in some way, affect the radon readings. The researchers, therefore, devised a laboratory experiment to study the effects of the holders. Detectors from four series of production were available, so they used a two-way ANOVA design (Series with four levels and Holder with two, representing the presence or absence of a holder). All detectors were exposed to the same radon source, and the radon measure in picocuries per liter was recorded.17 The F statistic for the effect of Series is 7.02, for Holder it is 1.96, for the interaction it is 1.24, and N=69.

    1. Using Table E or software, find approximate P-values for the three test statistics. Summarize the results of these three significance tests.

    2. The mean radon readings for the four series were 330, 303, 302, and 295. The result of the significance test for Series was of great concern to the researchers. Explain why.

  12. 13.35 The influences of transaction history and a thank-you statement. A service failure is defined as any service-related problem (real or perceived) that transpires during a customer’s experience with a firm. In the hotel industry, there is a high human component, so these sorts of failures commonly occur regardless of extensive training and established policies. As a result, hotel firms must learn to effectively react to these failures. A recent study investigated the relationship between a consumer’s transaction history (levels: long and short) and an employee thank-you statement (levels: yes and no) on a consumer’s repurchase intent.18 Each subject was randomly assigned to one of the four treatment groups and asked to read some service failure/resolution scenarios and respond accordingly. Repurchase intent was measured using a nine-point scale. Here is a summary of the means:

    History Thank-you
    No Yes
    Short 5.69 6.80
    Long 7.53 7.37
    1. Plot the means. Do you think there is an interaction? If yes, describe the interaction in terms of the two factors.

    2. Find the marginal means. Are they useful for understanding the results of this study? Explain your answer.

  13. 13.36 Transaction history and a thank-you statement (continued). Refer to the previous exercise. The numbers of subjects in the cells were not equal, so the researchers used linear regression to analyze the data. This was done by creating an indicator variable for each factor and the interaction. Following is a partial ANOVA table. Complete it and state your conclusions regarding the main effects and interaction described in the previous exercise.

    Source DF SS MS F P-value
    Transaction history 61.445
    Thank-you statement 21.810
    Interaction 15.404
    Error 160 759.904
  14. 13.37 The effects of proximity and visibility on food intake. A study investigated the influence that proximity and visibility of food have on food intake.19 A total of 40 secretaries from the University of Illinois participated in the study. A candy dish full of individually wrapped chocolates was placed either at the desk of the participant or at a location 2 meters from the participant. The candy dish was either a clear (candy visible) or opaque (candy not visible) covered bowl. After a week, the researchers noted not only the number of candies consumed per day but also the self-reported number of candies consumed by each participant. The following table summarizes the mean difference between these two values (reported minus actual):

    Proximity Visibility
    Clear Opaque
    Proximate 1.2 0.8
    Less proximate    0.5    0.4
    1. Make a plot of the means and describe the patterns that you see. Does the plot suggest an interaction between visibility and proximity?

    2. This study actually took four weeks, with each participant being observed at each treatment combination in a random order. Explain why a repeated-measures design like this may be beneficial.

  15. 13.38 Bilingualism. Not only does speaking two languages have many practical benefits in this globalized world, but there is also growing evidence that it appears to help with brain functioning as we age. In one study, 80 participants were divided equally among four groups: younger adult bilinguals, older adult bilinguals, younger adult monolinguals, and older adult monolinguals.20 Each participant was asked to complete a series of color-shape task-switching tests. For our analysis, we’ll focus on the total reaction time (in microseconds) for these experiments. The shorter the reaction time, the better. Data set icon for biling.

    1. Make a table giving the sample size, mean, and standard deviation for each group. Is it reasonable to pool the variances?

    2. Generate a histogram for each of the groups. Can we feel confident that the sample means are approximately Normal? Explain your answer.

  16. 13.39 Bilingualism (continued). Refer to the previous exercise. Data set icon for biling.

    1. If bilingualism helps with brain functioning as we age, explain why we’d expect to find an interaction between age and lingualism. Also create an interaction plot of what sort of pattern we’d expect.

    2. Analyze the reaction times using analysis of variance. Report the test statistics, degrees of freedom, and P-values.

    3. Based on part (b), write a short paragraph summarizing your findings.

  17. 13.40 Use of animated agents in a multimedia environment. Multimedia learning environments are designed to enhance learning by providing more hands-on and exploratory investigation of a topic. Often, animated agents (human-like characters) are used in the hope of enhancing social interaction with the software and thus improving learning. One group of researchers decided to investigate whether the presence of an agent and the type of verbal feedback provided were actually helpful.21 To do this, they recruited 135 college students and randomly divided them among four groups: agent/simple feedback, agent/elaborate feedback, no agent/simple feedback, and no agent/elaborate feedback. The topic of the software was thermodynamics. The change in score on a 20-question test taken before and after using the software was the response. Data set icon for agent.

    1. Make a table giving the sample size, mean, and standard deviation for each group.

    2. Use these means to construct an interaction plot. Describe the main effects for agent presence and for feedback type as well as their interaction.

    3. Analyze the change in score using analysis of variance. Report the test statistics, degrees of freedom, and P-values.

    4. Use the residuals to check model assumptions. Are there any concerns? Explain your answer.

    5. Based on parts (b) and (c), write a short paragraph summarizing your findings.

  18. 13.41 The effect of humor. In advertising, humor is often used to overcome sales resistance and stimulate customer purchase behavior. One experiment looked at the use of humor to offset the negative feelings often associated with website encounters.22 The setting of the experiment was an online travel agency, and the researchers used a three-factor design, with each factor having two levels. The factors were Humor (used, not used), Process (favorable, unfavorable), and Outcome (favorable, unfavorable). For the humor-used condition, cartoons and jokes of the day about skiing were presented on the site. For the humor-not-used condition, standard pictures of ski sites were used. Two hundred and forty-one business students from a large Dutch university participated in the experiment. Each student was randomly assigned to one of the eight treatment conditions. The students were asked to book a skiing holiday and then rate their perceived enjoyment and satisfaction with the process. All responses were measured on a seven-point Likert scale. A summary of the results for satisfaction follows:

    Treatment n x¯ s
    No humor—favorable process—unfavorable outcome 27 3.04 0.79
    No humor—favorable process—favorable outcome 29 5.36 0.47
    No humor—unfavorable process—unfavorable outcome 26 2.84 0.59
    No humor—unfavorable process—favorable outcome 31 3.08 0.59
    Humor—favorable process—unfavorable outcome 32 5.06 0.59
    Humor—favorable process—favorable outcome 30 5.55 0.65
    Humor—unfavorable process—unfavorable outcome 36 1.95 0.52
    Humor—unfavorable process—favorable outcome 30 3.27 0.71
    1. Plot the means of the four treatments without humor. Do you think there is an interaction? If yes, describe the interaction in terms of the process and outcome factors.

    2. Plot the means of the four treatments that used humor. Do you think there is an interaction? If yes, describe the interaction in terms of the process and outcome factors.

    3. The three-factor interaction can be assessed by looking at the two interaction plots created in parts (a) and (b). If the relationship between process and outcome is different across the two humor conditions, there is evidence of an interaction among all three factors. Do you think there is a three-factor interaction? Explain your answer.

  19. 13.42 Pooling the standard deviations. Refer to the previous exercise. Find the pooled estimate of the standard deviation for these data. What are its degrees of freedom? Using the rule from Chapter 12 (page 608), is it reasonable to use a pooled standard deviation for the analysis? Explain your answer.

  20. 13.43 Describing the effects. Refer to Exercise 13.41. The P-values for all main effects and two-factor interactions are significant at the 0.05 level. Using the table, find the marginal means (that is, the mean for the no humor treatment, the mean for the no humor and unfavorable process treatment combination, etc.) and use them to describe these effects.

  21. 13.44 Acceptance of functional foods. Functional foods are foods that are fortified with health-promoting supplements, like calcium-enriched orange juice or vitamin-enriched cereal. Although the number of functional foods is growing in the marketplace, very little is known about how the next generation of consumers views these foods. Because of this, a questionnaire was given to college students from the United States, Canada, and France.23 This questionnaire measured the students’ attitudes and beliefs about general food and functional food. One of the response variables collected concerned cooking enjoyment. This variable was the average of numerous items, each measured on a 10-point scale, where 1=most negative value and 10=most positive value. Here are the means:

    Sex Culture
    Canada United States France
    Female 7.70 7.36 6.38
    Male 6.39 6.43 5.69
    1. Make a plot of the means and describe the patterns that you see.

    2. Does the plot suggest that there is an interaction between culture and sex? If your answer is Yes, describe the interaction.

  22. 13.45 Estimating the within-group variance. Refer to the previous exercise. Here are the cell standard deviations and sample sizes for cooking enjoyment:

    Sex Culture
    Canada United States France
    s n s n s n
    Female 1.668 238 1.736 178 2.024 82
    Male 1.909 125 1.601 101 1.875 87

    Find the pooled estimate of the standard deviation for these data. Use the rule for examining standard deviations in ANOVA from Chapter 12 (page 608) to determine if it is reasonable to use a pooled standard deviation for the analysis of these data.

  23. NAEP 13.46 Comparing the groups. Refer to Exercises 13.44 and 13.45. The researchers presented a table of means with different superscripts indicating pairs of means that differed at the 0.05 significance level, using the Bonferroni method.

    1. What denominator degrees of freedom would be used here?

    2. How many pairwise comparisons are there for this problem?

    3. Perform these comparisons using t**=2.94 and summarize your results.

  24. 13.47 More on acceptance of functional foods. Refer to Exercise 13.44. The means for four of the response variables associated with functional foods are as follows:

    Sex General attitude Product benefits
    Culture Culture
    Canada United States France Canada United States France
    Female 4.93 4.69 4.10 4.59 4.37 3.91
    Male 4.50 4.43 4.02 4.20 4.09 3.87
    Sex Credibility of information Purchase intention
    Culture Culture
    Canada United States France Canada United States France
    Female 4.54 4.50 3.76 4.29 4.39 3.30
    Male 4.23 3.99 3.83 4.11 3.86 3.41

    For each of the four response variables, give a graphical summary of the means. Use this summary to discuss any interactions that are evident. Write a short report summarizing any differences in culture and sex with respect to the response variables measured.

  25. 13.48 Interpreting the results. The goal of the study in the previous exercise was to understand cultural and sex differences in functional food attitudes and behaviors among young adults, the next generation of food consumers. The researchers used a sample of undergraduate students and had each participant fill out the survey during class time. How reasonable is it to generalize these results to the young adult population in these countries? Explain your answer.

  26. 13.49 Conspicuous consumption and men’s testosterone levels. It is argued that conspicuous consumption is a means by which men communicate their social status to prospective mates. One study looked at changes in a male’s testosterone level in response to fluctuations in his status created by the consumption of a product.24 The products considered were a new and luxurious sports car and an old family sedan. Participants were asked to drive on either an isolated highway or a busy city street. A table of cell means and standard deviations for the change (post minus pre) in testosterone level follows:

    Car Location
    Highway City
    x¯ s x¯ s
    Old sedan 0.03 0.12 0.03 0.12
    New sports car 0.15 0.14    0.13 0.13
    1. Make a plot of the means and describe the patterns that you see. Does the plot suggest an interaction between location and type of car?

    2. Compute the pooled standard error sp, assuming equal sample sizes.

    3. The researchers wanted to test the following hypotheses:

      1. Testosterone levels will increase more in men who drive the new car.
      2. For men driving the new car, testosterone levels will increase more in men who drive in the city.
      3. For men driving the old car, testosterone levels will decrease less in men who drive the old car on the highway.

      Write out the contrasts for each of these hypotheses.

    4. This study actually involved each male participating in all four combinations. Half of them drove the sedan first, and the other half drove the sports car first. Explain why a repeated-measures design like this may be beneficial.

  27. NAEP 13.50 The effects of peer pressure on mathematics achievement. Researchers were interested in comparing the relationship between high achievement in mathematics and peer pressure across several countries.25 They hypothesized that in countries where high achievement is not valued highly, considerable peer pressure may exist. A questionnaire was distributed to 14-year-olds from three countries (Germany, Canada, and Israel). One of the questions asked students to rate how often they fear being called a nerd or teacher’s pet on a four-point scale (1=never, 4=frequently). The following table summarizes the response:

    Country Sex n x¯
    Germany    Female 336 1.62
    Germany Male 305 1.39
    Israel    Female 205 1.87
    Israel Male 214 1.63
    Canada    Female 301 1.91
    Canada Male 304 1.88
    1. The P-values for the interaction and the main effects for country and for sex are 0.016, 0.068, and 0.108, respectively. Using the table and P-values, summarize the results both graphically and numerically.

    2. The researchers contend that Germany does not value achievement as highly as Canada and Israel. Do the results from part (a) allow you to address their primary hypothesis? Explain.

    3. The students were also asked to indicate their current grade in mathematics on a six-point scale (1=excellent, 6=insufficient). How might both responses be used to address the researchers’ primary hypothesis?

  28. 13.51 Trust of individuals and groups. Trust is an essential element in any exchange of goods or services. The following trust game is often used to study trust experimentally:

    A sender starts with $X and can transfer any amount xX to a responder. The responder then gets $3x and can transfer any amount y3x back to the sender. The game ends with final amounts Xx+y and 3xy for the sender and responder, respectively.

    The value x is taken as a measure of the sender’s trust, and the value y/3x indicates the responder’s trustworthiness. A study used this game to study the dynamics between individuals and groups of three.26 The following table summarizes the average amount x sent by senders, starting with $100:

    Sender Responder n x¯ s
    Individual Individual 32 65.5 36.4
    Individual Group 25 76.3 31.2
    Group Individual 25 54.0 41.6
    Group Group 27 43.7 42.4
    1. Find the pooled estimate of the standard deviation for this study and its degrees of freedom.

    2. Is it reasonable to use a pooled standard deviation for the analysis? Explain your answer.

    3. Compute the marginal means.

    4. Plot the means. Do you think there is an interaction? If yes, describe it.

    5. The F statistics for sender, responder, and interaction are 9.05, 0.001, and 2.08, respectively. Compute the P-values and state your conclusions.

  29. NAEP 13.52 Does the type of cooking pot affect iron content? Iron-deficiency anemia is the most common form of malnutrition in developing countries, affecting about 50% of children and women and 25% of men. Iron pots for cooking foods had traditionally been used in many of these countries, but they have been largely replaced by aluminum pots, which are cheaper and lighter. Some research has suggested that food cooked in iron pots will contain more iron than food cooked in other types of pots. One study designed to investigate this issue compared the iron content of some Ethiopian foods cooked in aluminum, clay, and iron pots.27 Foods considered were yesiga wet’, beef cut into small pieces and prepared with several Ethiopian spices; shiro wet’, a legume-based mixture of chickpea flour and Ethiopian spiced pepper; and ye-atkilt allych’a, a lightly spiced vegetable casserole. Four samples of each food were cooked in each type of pot. The iron in the food is measured in milligrams of iron per 100 grams of cooked food. The data are shown in TABLE 13.1. Data set icon for cook.

    TABLE 13.1 Iron content (mg/100g) of food cooked in different pots

    Type of pot Meat Legumes Vegetables
    Aluminum 1.77 2.36 1.96 2.14 2.40 2.17 2.41 2.34 1.03 1.53 1.07 1.30
    Clay 2.27 1.28 2.48 2.68 2.41 2.43 2.57 2.48 1.55 0.79 1.68 1.82
    Iron 5.27 5.17 4.06 4.22 3.69 3.43 3.84 3.72 2.45 2.99 2.80 2.92
    1. Make a table giving the sample size, mean, and standard deviation for each type of pot. Is it reasonable to pool the variances? Although the standard deviations vary more than we would like, this is partially due to the small sample sizes, and we will proceed with the analysis of variance.

    2. Plot the means. Give a short summary of how the iron content of foods depends upon the cooking pot.

    3. Run the analysis of variance. Give the ANOVA table, the F statistics with degrees of freedom and P-values, and your conclusions regarding the hypotheses about main effects and interactions.

  30. 13.53 Interpreting the results. Refer to the previous exercise. Although there is a statistically significant interaction, do you think that these data support the conclusion that foods cooked in iron pots contain more iron than foods cooked in aluminum or clay pots? Discuss.

  31. 13.54 Analysis using a one-way ANOVA. Refer to Exercise 13.52. Rerun the analysis as a one-way ANOVA with nine groups and four observations per group. Report the results of the F test. Examine differences in means using a multiple-comparisons procedure. Summarize your results and compare them with those you obtained in Exercise 13.52.

  32. 13.55 Examination of a drilling process. One step in the manufacture of large engines requires that holes of very precise dimensions be drilled. The tools that do the drilling are regularly examined and are adjusted to ensure that the holes meet the required specifications. Part of the examination involves measurement of the diameter of the drilling tool. A team studying the variation in the sizes of the drilled holes selected this measurement procedure as a possible cause of variation in the drilled holes. The team decided to use a designed experiment as one part of this examination. Some of the data are given in TABLE 13.2. The diameters in millimeters (mm) of five tools were measured by the same operator at three times (8:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 3:00 p.m.). Three measurements were taken on each tool at each time. The person taking the measurements could not tell which tool was being measured, and the measurements were taken in random order.28 Data set icon for drill.

    TABLE 13.2 Tool diameter data

    Tool Time Diameter (mm)
    1 1 25.030 25.030 25.032
    1 2 25.028 25.028 25.028
    1 3 25.026 25.026 25.026
    2 1 25.016 25.018 25.016
    2 2 25.022 25.020 25.018
    2 3 25.016 25.016 25.016
    3 1 25.005 25.008 25.006
    3 2 25.012 25.012 25.014
    3 3 25.010 25.010 25.008
    4 1 25.012 25.012 25.012
    4 2 25.018 25.020 25.020
    4 3 25.010 25.014 25.018
    5 1 24.996 24.998 24.998
    5 2 25.006 25.006 25.006
    5 3 25.000 25.002 24.999
    1. Make a table of means and standard deviations for each of the 5×3 combinations of the two factors.

    2. Plot the means and describe how the means vary with tool and time. Note that we expect the tools to have slightly different diameters. These will be adjusted as needed. It is the process of measuring the diameters that is important.

    3. Use a two-way ANOVA to analyze these data. Report the test statistics, degrees of freedom, and P-values for the significance tests.

    4. Write a short report summarizing your results.

  33. 13.56 Examination of a drilling process (continued). Refer to the previous exercise. Multiply each measurement by 0.04 to convert from millimeters to inches. Redo the plots and rerun the ANOVA using the transformed measurements. Summarize what parts of the analysis have changed and what parts have remained the same. Data set icon for drill.

  34. 13.57 Do left-handed people live shorter lives than right-handed people? A study of this question examined a sample of 949 death records and contacted next of kin to determine handedness.29 Note that there are many possible definitions of “left-handed.” The researchers examined the effects of different definitions on the results of their analysis and found that their conclusions were not sensitive to the exact definition used. For the results presented here, people were defined to be right-handed if they wrote, drew, and threw a ball with the right hand. All others were defined to be left-handed. People were classified by sex (female or male) and handedness (left or right), and a 2×2 ANOVA was run with the age at death as the response variable. The F statistics were 22.36 (handedness), 37.44 (sex), and 2.10 (interaction). The following marginal mean ages at death (in years) were reported: 77.39 (females), 71.32 (males), 75.00 (right-handed), and 66.03 (left-handed).

    1. For each of the F statistics given, find the degrees of freedom and an approximate P-value. Summarize the results of these tests.

    2. Using the information given, write a short summary of the results of the study.

  35. 13.58 Complete the ANOVA table. Based on the following partial ANOVA table results, complete the ANOVA table and draw conclusions at the 5% significance level.

    Effect df SS MS F
    A  2  90
    B  4 165
    AB  8 204
    Error 60 900
  36. 13.59 A comparison of plant species under low water conditions. The PLANTS1 data file gives the percent of nitrogen in four different species of plants grown in a laboratory. The species are Leucaena leucocephala, Acacia saligna, Prosopis juliflora, and Eucalyptus citriodora. The researchers who collected these data were interested in commercially growing these plants in parts of the country of Jordan where there is very little rainfall. To examine the effect of water, they varied the amount per day from 50 millimeters (mm) to 650 mm in 100 mm increments. There were nine plants per species-by-water combination. Because the plants are to be used primarily for animal food, with some parts that can be consumed by people, a high nitrogen content is very desirable. Data set icon for plants1.

    1. Find the means for each species-by-water combination. Plot these means versus water for the four species, connecting the means for each species by lines. Describe the overall pattern.

    2. Find the standard deviations for each species-by-water combination. Is it reasonable to pool the standard deviations for this problem? Note that with sample sizes of size 9, we expect these standard deviations to be quite variable.

    3. Run the two-way analysis of variance. Give the results of the hypothesis tests for the main effects and the interaction.

  37. 13.60 Examination of the residuals. Refer to the previous exercise. Examine the residuals. Are there any unusual patterns or outliers? If you think that there are one or more points that are somewhat extreme, rerun the two-way analysis without these observations. Does this change the results in any substantial way? Data set icon for plants1.

  38. 13.61 Analysis using multiple one-way ANOVAs. Refer to Exercise 13.59. Run a separate one-way analysis of variance for each water level. If there is evidence that the species are not all the same, use a multiple-comparisons procedure to determine which pairs of species are significantly different. In what way, if any, do the differences appear to vary by water level? Write a short summary of your conclusions. Data set icon for plants1.

  39. 13.62 More on the analysis using multiple one-way ANOVAs. Refer to Exercise 13.59. Run a separate one-way analysis of variance for each species and summarize the results. Because the amount of water is a quantitative factor, we can also analyze these data using regression. Run simple linear regressions separately for each species to predict nitrogen percent from water. Use plots to determine whether or not a line is a good way to approximate this relationship. Summarize the regression results and compare them with the one-way ANOVA results. Data set icon for plants1.

  40. 13.63 Another comparison of plant species under low water conditions. Refer to Exercise 13.59. Additional data collected by the same researchers according to a similar design are given in the PLANTS2 data file. Here, there are two response variables: fresh biomass and dry biomass. High values for both of these variables are desirable. The same four species and seven levels of water are used for this experiment. Here, however, there are four plants per species-by-water combination. Analyze each of the response variables in the PLANTS2 data file using the outline from Exercise 13.59. Data set icon for plants2.

  41. 13.64 Examination of the residuals. Perform the tasks described in Exercise 13.60 for the two response variables in the PLANTS2 data set. Data set icon for plants2.

  42. 13.65 Analysis using multiple one-way ANOVAs. Perform the tasks described in Exercise 13.61 for the two response variables in the PLANTS2 data set. Data set icon for plants2.

  43. 13.66 More on the analysis using multiple one-way ANOVAs. Perform the tasks described in Exercise 13.62 for the two response variables in the PLANTS2 data set. Data set icon for plants2.

  44. 13.67 Are insects more attracted to male plants? Some scientists wanted to determine if there are sex-related differences in the level of herbivory for the jack-in-the-pulpit, a spring-blooming perennial plant common in deciduous forests. A study was conducted in southern Maryland in forests associated with the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC).30 To determine the effects of flowering and floral characteristics on herbivory, the researchers altered the floral morphology of male and female plants. The three levels of floral characteristics were (1) the spathes were completely removed; (2) in females, a gap was created in the base of the spathe, and in males, the gap was closed; (3) plants were not altered (control). The percent of leaf area damaged by thrips (an order of insects) between early May and mid-June was recorded for each of 30 plants per combination of sex and floral characteristic. Here is a table of means and standard deviations (in parentheses):

    Sex Floral characteristic level
    1 2 3
    Males 0.11 (0.081) 1.28 (0.088) 1.63 (0.382)
    Females 0.02 (0.002) 0.58 (0.321) 0.20 (0.035)
    1. Give the degrees of freedom for the F statistics that are used to test for sex, floral characteristic, and the interaction.

    2. Describe the main effects and interaction, using appropriate graphs.

    3. The researchers used the natural logarithm of percent area as the response in their analysis. Using the relationship between the means and standard deviations, explain why this was done.

  45. 13.68 Power for a two-way ANOVA. In Section 12.2 (pages 635637), we discussed power calculations for the one-way ANOVA. Would power calculations for a two-way ANOVA require inputting any additional study-specific factors? Explain your answer.


  1. 13.69 Does color saturation increase perceived size? Some researchers hypothesize that an object with high color saturation is perceived of as larger than the same object with less color saturation. In one study, the researchers randomly assigned 156 participants a goal: to buy a carry-on suitcase large enough to carry most belongings or to buy a carry-on small enough to fit in overhead storage. They then showed participants an orange suitcase either high or low in color saturation and asked them to report how much they would pay for it given the average price for a carry-on is $75. The following table summarizes the mean prices.31

    Saturation Purchase goal
    Large carry-on Small carry-on
    Low 50.13 63.64
    High 52.43 53.72
    1. Make a plot of the means and describe the patterns that you see.

    2. Does the plot suggest that there is an interaction between color saturation and purchase goal? If your answer is Yes, describe the interaction.

  2. 13.70 Checking conditions for inference. Refer to the previous exercise. Use the data to check whether the model conditions are approximately satisfied. For each condition, provide a numerical or graphical summary to support your conclusion. Data set icon for colsat.

  3. 13.71 Does color saturation and purchase goal affect willingness to pay? Refer to the previous two exercises. Assuming that the model conditions are approximately satisfied, use a two-way ANOVA to assess the relationship between willingness to pay and the two factors. Write a short paragraph summarizing your findings. Data set icon for colsat.