12.1 Inference for One-Way Analysis of Variance

When comparing different populations or groups, the data are subject to sampling variability. For example, we would not expect to observe exactly the same sales data if we mailed an advertising offer to different random samples of households. We also wouldn’t expect a new group of cancer patients to provide the same set of progression-free survival times.

Because of this variability, we pose the question for inference in terms of the mean response. In Section 7.2 (page 410), we met procedures for comparing the means of two populations. We now extend those methods to problems involving the means of more than two populations. Although the details differ, many of the concepts are similar to those discussed in the two-sample case.

The statistical methodology for comparing several means is analysis of variance (ANOVA). In the previous two chapters we used analysis of variance to assess the linear relationship between the subpopulation means and explanatory variables. In this section and the following one, we will examine the basic ideas and assumptions that are needed for ANOVA in this setting.

We will consider two ANOVA techniques. When there is only one way to classify the populations of interest, we use one-way ANOVA to analyze the data. We call this categorical explanatory variable a factor. For example, to compare the average tread lifetimes of six concept tires, we use one-way ANOVA with tire type as our factor. This chapter presents the details for one-way ANOVA.

In many other comparative studies, there is more than one way to classify the populations. For the tire study, the researcher team might also consider tread life under three different road temperatures. How much greater will the wear be for each concept tire at a high temperature? Are there certain types that do relatively better in a hotter environment? Analyzing the effect of tire type and temperature together requires two-way ANOVA. This technique is discussed in the next chapter.

The one-way ANOVA setting

The data for one-way ANOVA are collected just as data are collected in the two-sample case. We either draw a random sample from each population or we randomly divide subjects into different treatments. The resulting data are used to test the null hypothesis that the means are all equal.

Consider the following two examples.

Example 12.1 Does haptic feedback improve performance?

A group of technology students is interested in whether haptic feedback (forces and vibrations applied through a game controller) is helpful in navigating a simulated game environment they created. To investigate this, they randomly assign 20 participants to each of three game controller types and record the time it takes to complete a navigation mission. The controller types are (1) a standard video game controller, (2) a game controller with force feedback, and (3) a game controller with vibration feedback.

Example 12.2 Average age of coffeehouse customers.

How do five coffeehouses around campus differ in the demographics of their customers? Are certain coffeehouses more popular among graduate students? Do professors tend to favor one coffeehouse? A reporter from the student newspaper asks 50 customers of each coffeehouse to respond to a questionnaire. One variable of interest is the customer’s age.

These two examples are similar in that

There is, however, an important difference. Example 12.1 describes an experiment in which each participant is randomly assigned to a type of game controller. Example 12.2 is an observational study in which customers are selected during a particular time period, and not all agree to provide data. This means that the samples in the second example are not truly SRSs. The reporter will treat them as such because she believes that the selective sampling and nonresponse are ignorable sources of bias and variability, but others may not agree. Always consider the sampling design and various sources of bias in an observational study.

In both examples, one-way ANOVA is used to compare the mean responses. The same ANOVA methods apply to data from randomized experiments (Example 12.1) and to data from random samples (Example 12.2). caution However, it is important to keep in mind the data-production method when interpreting the results. A strong case for causation is best made by a randomized experiment.

Comparing means

The question we ask in one-way ANOVA is “Do all groups have the same population mean?” (We will often use the term groups for the populations to be compared in a one-way ANOVA.) To answer this question, we compare the sample means. Figure 12.1 displays the sample means for Example 12.1. It appears that a game controller with force feedback has the shortest average completion time. But is the observed difference in sample means just the result of chance variation? We should not expect sample means to be equal even if all groups have the same mean.

A line plot of sample means.

Figure 12.1 Average completion times for three different controller types, Example 12.1.

The purpose of one-way ANOVA is to assess whether the observed differences among sample means are statistically significant. Could variation among the three sample means this large be plausibly due to chance, or is it strong evidence for a difference among the group means? This question can’t be answered from the sample means alone. Because the standard deviation of a sample mean x¯ is the population standard deviation σ divided by n, the answer also depends upon both the variation within the groups of observations and the sizes of the samples.

Side-by-side boxplots help us see the variation within the groups. Compare Figures 12.2(a) and 12.2(b). The sample medians are the same in both panels, but the large variation within the groups in Figure 12.2(a) suggests that the differences among the sample medians could be due simply to chance variation. The data in Figure 12.2(b) are much more convincing evidence that the populations differ.

Two sets of vertical boxplots, a and b.

Figure 12.2(a) Side-by-side boxplots for three groups with large within-group variation. The differences among centers may be just chance variation. (b) Side-by-side boxplots for three groups with the same centers as in panel (a) but with small within-group variation. The differences among centers are more likely to be significant.

Even the boxplots omit essential information, however. To assess the observed differences, we must also know how large the samples are. Nonetheless, boxplots provide a good preliminary display of the data.

Although one-way ANOVA compares means and boxplots display medians, these two measures of center will be close together for distributions that are nearly symmetric. This is something we need to check prior to inference. If the distributions are strongly skewed, the means are not good summaries of the population centers. We may, for example, consider a transformation prior to displaying and analyzing the data.

The two-sample t statistic

Two-sample t statistics compare the means of two populations. If the two populations are assumed to have equal but unknown standard deviations and the sample sizes are both equal to n, the t statistic is


The square of this t statistic is


If we use one-way ANOVA to compare two populations, the ANOVA F statistic is exactly equal to this t2. Thus, we can learn something about how ANOVA works by looking carefully at the statistic in this form.

The numerator in the t2 statistic measures the between-group variation in terms of the difference between their sample means x¯1 and x¯2 and the common sample size n. The numerator can be large because of a large difference between the sample means or because the common sample size n is large.

The denominator measures the within-group variation by sp2, the pooled estimator of the common variance. For the same sample means and n, the smaller the within-group variation, the larger the test statistic and, thus, the more significant the result (recall Figure 12.2).

Although the general form of the one-way ANOVA F statistic is more complicated, the idea is the same. To assess whether several populations all have the same mean, we compare the variation among the means of several groups with the variation within groups. Just like with linear regression, we are comparing variation so the method is called analysis of variance.

  1. 12.1 What’s wrong? In each of the following, explain what is wrong and why.

    1. ANOVA tests the null hypothesis that the sample means are all equal.

    2. A strong case for causation is best made by an observational study.

    3. One-way ANOVA is used to test whether the population variances are the same.

    4. A two-way ANOVA is used to compare the means of two populations.

  2. 12.2 Viewing side-by-side boxplots. Consider the coffeehouse setting in Example 12.2 (page 600) and assume that all the coffeehouse means are the same except for the second coffeehouse, which has a lower average age. Using Figure 12.2 as a guide, sketch possible side-by-side boxplots for the following two situations:

    1. The within-group variation is small enough that ANOVA will almost surely detect that the means differ.

    2. The within-group variation is so large that ANOVA likely will not detect this difference in means.

An overview of ANOVA

Now that we have a general idea of how one-way ANOVA works, we will explore the specifics using an example. Because the computations are more lengthy than those for the t test, we generally use computer software to perform the calculations. Automating the calculations frees us from the burden of needing to perform arithmetic and allows us to concentrate on interpretation.

Example 12.3 Task performance with background music.

Data set icon for music.

The effect of music on task performance has long been of interest to researchers. The “Mozart effect” is one of the first, most well-known, and controversial explanations of music’s influence. It suggests a short-term increase of 8 to 9 points in mean spatial IQ score after listening to Mozart’s Sonata for Two Pianos (K448).2 Subsequent research has looked at replicating these results as well as looking at the effect with different types of tasks, different types of music, and different levels of volume. Findings have been mixed, with some suggesting music improved performance, others suggesting music hindered performance, and still others finding no evidence of an effect.

One experiment compared the performance of various tasks under three different types of background music conditions: silence, music with lyrics, and music conditions without lyrics.3 For our analysis, we will focus just on the mathematics task, which involved solving as many simple arithmetic problems as possible in a minute.

A total of 452 participants were recruited through Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk), which is a crowdsourcing marketplace. Of these, only 447 completed the mathematics task. Here is a summary of the data for the number of completed simple arithmetic problems x in a minute:

Group n x¯ s
Silence 152 18.855 4.690
Music without lyrics 149 17.745 4.175
Music with lyrics 146 17.815 4.238

It appears that music results in a decrease in production of about one problem and that there is very little difference between the types of music. ANOVA will allow us to determine whether this observed pattern in sample means can be extended to the group means.

We should always start our ANOVA with a careful examination of the data using graphical and numerical summaries. caution Complicated computations do not guarantee a valid statistical analysis. This examination gives us an idea of what to expect from the analysis and also enables us to check for unusual patterns in the data. Just as with the two-sample t methods and linear regression, outliers and extreme deviations from Normality can invalidate the computed results.

Example 12.4 A graphical summary of the data.

Data set icon for music.

Let’s use the labels 1, 2, and 3 to represent silence, music without lyrics, and music with lyrics, respectively. Histograms for the three groups are given in Figure 12.3. Note that the heights of the bars are percents rather than counts. Percents are commonly used when the group sample sizes vary. Figure 12.4 gives side-by-side boxplots for these data. We see a lot of spread in the data, with the number of completed problems ranging from 6 to 31.

Three histograms of percent versus score for three music groups.

Figure 12.3 Histograms of music groups, Example 12.4.

There do not appear to be any outliers, and the distributions appear relatively symmetric. Even though the data are counts, the fact that the group sample sizes are all more than 45 suggests that we can feel confident that the sample means are approximately Normal. As with the two-sample procedures, it is important for the sample means, rather than the data, to be approximately Normal.

Three side by side boxplots for music group scores.

Figure 12.4 Side-by-side boxplots for the background music study, Example 12.4. The three sample means are also shown using connecting lines.

Figure 12.4 also includes the three means adjacently joined with a line. The difference in means pales in comparison to the variability within each group. This suggests that the observed pattern in the means could likely be due to chance variation.

Including the mean in a boxplot is quite common. Joining the means of side-by-side boxplots is less common, and some do not like it. It is done here to help show the differences in sample means relative to the spread in the data. Oftentimes, combined plots like this one—a combination of a mean plot (e.g., Figure 12.1) and side-by-side boxplots—can be more helpful than separate, more traditional ones. Do you think it is more helpful here?

The setting of this example is an experiment in which participants were randomly assigned to one of the three groups. Each of these groups has a mean, and our inference asks questions about these means. The participants were all recruited from MTurk and participated online. They were paid $1.00 in return for completing the study. The authors also state that they were properly motivated to take the tasks seriously using an incentive payment of $5.00 that went to the participant with the highest performance.

caution Formulating a clear definition of the populations being compared with ANOVA can be difficult. Often some expert judgment is required, and different consumers of the results may have different opinions. Whether we can comfortably generalize our conclusions of this study to the population of MTurk workers or to the general population of adults is open to debate. Using MTurk is quite popular because it supplies a large number of potential participants at very low cost. The trade-off is more difficulty in clearly defining the populations. Regardless, we are more confident in generalizing our conclusions to similar populations when the results are clearly significant than when the level of significance just barely passes the standard of P=0.05.

  1. 12.3 Biased results? For the study in Example 12.3, 560 MTurk workers participated in the study, but only 452 completed the study. Furthermore, the data from an additional 5 participants were not used in the analysis of the math task. The authors say that the 108 who did not complete the study either dropped out partway or encountered some technical issue, such as a bad Internet connection. The authors do not supply a reason for the additional 5 participants. Do you think this roughly 20% dropout rate biases the results of this study? Write a short paragraph explaining your answer.

  2. 12.4 Defining the population. For the study in Example 12.3, we are told that of the 452 participants who completed the study, 62.6% identified as male and 36.7% identified as female. In terms of ethnicity, the breakdown was as follows: 47.6% were Caucasian, 39.6% Asian/Pacific Islander, 5.5% Black/African American, and 3.3% Hispanic/Latinx. For age, the breakdown was 9.5% 18–24, 43.3% 25–30, 33.9% 31–40, 9.7% 41–50, and 3% 51–60. Do you think this sample can be considered representative of adults in the United States? Provide an explanation with your answer.

For inference, we first ask whether or not there is sufficient evidence in the data to conclude that the corresponding group means are not all equal. Our null hypothesis here states that the population mean score is the same for all three groups. The alternative is that they are not all the same. caution Rejecting the null hypothesis that the means are all the same is not the same as concluding that all the means are different from one another. The one-way ANOVA alternative hypothesis can be true in many different ways. It could be true because all the means are different or simply because one of them differs from the rest.

Because the one-way ANOVA alternative is a more complex situation than the two-population comparison alternative, we need to perform some further analysis if we reject the null hypothesis. This additional analysis allows us to draw conclusions about which population means differ from which others and by how much.

For the music study, the researchers hypothesize that background music should negatively impact performance. Therefore, a reasonable question to ask is whether the mean for the silence group is larger than the others. When there are particular versions of the alternative hypothesis that are of interest, we use contrasts to examine them. caution Note that to use contrasts, it is necessary that the questions of interest be formulated before examining the data. It is cheating to make up the questions after analyzing the data.

If we have no specific relationships among the means in mind before looking at the data, we instead use a multiple-comparisons procedure to determine which pairs of population, or group, means differ significantly. We explore both contrasts and multiple comparisons in the next section.

The ANOVA model

When analyzing data, the following equation reminds us that we look for an overall pattern in the data and deviations from it:


In the regression model, the FIT was the population regression equation, and the RESIDUAL represented the deviations of the data from it. We now apply this framework to describe the statistical models used in one-way ANOVA. These models provide a convenient way to summarize the conditions that are the foundation for our analysis. They also give us the necessary notation to describe the calculations needed.

Recall the statistical model for a random sample of observations from a single Normal population with mean μ and standard deviation σ. If the observations are

x1x2, . . . , xn

we can describe this model by saying that the xj are an SRS from the N(μ,σ) distribution. Another way to describe the same model is to think of the x’s varying about their population mean. To do this, write each observation xj as


The ϵj are then an SRS from the N(0,σ) distribution. Because μ is unknown, the ϵ’s cannot actually be observed. This form more closely corresponds to our


way of thinking. The FIT part of the model is represented by μ. It is the systematic part of the model, like the line in a regression. The RESIDUAL part is represented by ϵj. It represents the deviations of the data from the fit and is due to random, or chance, variation.

There are two unknown parameters in this statistical model: μ and σ. We estimate μ by x¯, the sample mean, and σ by s, the sample standard deviation. The differences ej=xjx¯ are the residuals and correspond to the ϵj in the statistical model.

The model for one-way ANOVA is very similar. We take random samples from each of I different populations. The sample size is ni for the ith population. Let xij represent the jth observation from the ith population. The I population means are the FIT part of the model and are represented by μi. The random variation, or RESIDUAL, part of the model is represented by the deviations ϵij of the observations from the means.

Note that the sample sizes ni may differ (as they do in our example), but the standard deviation σ is assumed to be the same in all the populations. Figure 12.5 pictures this model for I=3. The three population means μi are different, but the shapes of the three Normal distributions are the same, reflecting the assumption that all three populations have the same standard deviation.

Three overlapping normal distribution curves.

Figure 12.5 Model for one-way ANOVA with three groups. The three populations have Normal distributions with the same standard deviation.

Example 12.5 ANOVA model for the music study.

In the music study, there are three groups that we want to compare, so I=3. The population means μ1,μ2,andμ3 are the mean number of problems completed under silence, music without lyrics, and music with lyrics, respectively. The sample sizes ni are 152, 149, and 146. It is common to use numerical subscripts to distinguish the different means, and some software requires that levels of factors in ANOVA be specified as numerical values. In this situation, it is very important to keep track of what each numerical value represents when drawing conclusions. An alternative is to use subscripts that suggest the actual groups. Given the labels we use in Example 12.4, we could replace μ1,μ2,andμ3 with μS,μWO, and μW, respectively.

The observation x11, for example, is the number of completed problems for the first participant in the silence condition. The data for the other participants assigned to this condition are denoted by x12, x13, . . . , x1152. Similarly, the data for the other two conditions have a first subscript indicating the condition and a second subscript indicating the participant assigned to that condition.

According to our model, the score for the first participant in Condition 1 is x11=μ1+ϵ11, where μ1 is the average number of completed problems for all adults under the silence condition and ϵ11 is the chance deviation due to this particular participant. Similarly, the score for the last participant in the music with lyrics condition is x3146=μ3+ϵ3146, where μ3 is the average number of completed problems for all adults under background music with lyrics, and ϵ3146 is the chance deviation due to this participant.

The ANOVA model assumes that these deviations ϵij are independent and Normally distributed with mean 0 and standard deviation σ. For our example, we have clear evidence that the data are non-Normal as the data are integer values. However, because our inference is based on the sample means, which will be approximately Normally distributed, we are not overly concerned about this violation of model conditions. We only need the model conditions to be approximately met in order for ANOVA to provide valid results.

  1. 12.5 Time to complete a navigation mission. Example 12.1 (page 600) describes a study designed to compare different controller types on the time it takes to complete a navigation mission. Write out the ANOVA model for this study. Be sure to give specific values for I and the ni. List all the parameters of the model.

  2. 12.6 Ages of customers at different coffeehouses. In Example 12.2 (page 600), the ages of customers at different coffeehouses are compared. Write out the ANOVA model for this study. Be sure to give specific values for I and the ni. List all the parameters of the model.

Estimates of population parameters

The unknown parameters in the statistical model for ANOVA are the I population means μi and the common population standard deviation σ. To estimate μi, we use the sample mean for the ith group:


The residuals eij=xijx¯i reflect the variation about the sample means that we see in the data and are used in the calculations of the sample standard deviations

Si=j=1ni(xij-x¯i)2ni-1=j=1ni eij2ni-1

In addition to the deviations being Normally distributed, the one-way ANOVA model also states that the population standard deviations are all equal. Before estimating σ, it is important to check this equality condition using the sample standard deviations. Most statistical software provides at least one test for the equality of standard deviations. Unfortunately, many of these tests lack robustness against non-Normality.

Because one-way ANOVA procedures are not extremely sensitive to unequal standard deviations, especially when the group sample sizes are similar, we do not recommend a formal test of equality of standard deviations as a preliminary to the ANOVA. Instead, we will use the following rule of thumb.

If there is evidence that we have unequal group standard deviations, we generally try to transform the data so that they are approximately equal. We might, for example, work with xij or log xij. Fortunately, we can often find a transformation that both makes the group standard deviations more nearly equal and also makes the distributions of observations in each group more nearly Normal. If the standard deviations are markedly different and cannot be made similar by a transformation, inference requires different methods, such as the nonparametric methods described in Chapter 15 and the bootstrap described in Chapter 16.

Example 12.6 Are the standard deviations equal?

Data set icon for music.

In the music study, there are I=3 groups, and the sample standard deviations are s1=4.690, s2=4.175 and s3=4.238. Because the largest standard deviation (4.690) is less than twice the smallest (2×4.175=8.350), our rule indicates that we can use the assumption of equal population standard deviations.

When we assume that the population standard deviations are equal, each sample standard deviation is an estimate of σ. To combine these into a single estimate, we use a generalization of the pooling method introduced in Chapter 7 (page 423).

Pooling gives more weight to groups with larger sample sizes. If the sample sizes are equal, sp2 is just the average of the I sample variances. caution Note that sp is not the average of the I sample standard deviations.

Example 12.7 The common standard deviation estimate.

Data set icon for music.

In the music study, there are I=3 groups, and the sample sizes are n1=152, n2=149 and n3=146. The sample standard deviations are s1=4.690, s1=4.175 and s3=4.238.

The pooled sample variance is


The pooled standard deviation is


This is our estimate of the common standard deviation σ of the completed problems for the three groups of background noise.

  1. 12.7 Game controller types. Example 12.1 (page 600) describes a study designed to compare different controller types on the time it takes to complete a navigation mission. In Check-in question 12.5 (page 608), you described the ANOVA model for this study. The three controller types are designated 1, 2, and 3. The following table summarizes the time data:

    Controller x¯ s n
    1 279 78 20
    2 245 68 20
    3 258 80 20
    1. Is it reasonable to pool the standard deviations for these data? Explain your answer.

    2. For each parameter in your model from Check-in question 12.5, give the estimate.

  2. 12.8 Ages of customers at different coffeehouses. In Example 12.2 (page 600), the ages of customers at different coffeehouses are compared, and you described the ANOVA model for this study in Check-in question 12.6 (page 608). It turned out that roughly 25% of those surveyed declined to respond. Here is a summary of the ages of the customers who responded:

    Store x¯ s n
    A 39 8 39
    B 47 13 38
    C 41 11 42
    D 26 7 38
    E 34 10 43
    1. Is it reasonable to pool the standard deviations for these data? Explain your answer.

    2. For each parameter in your model from Check-in question 12.6, give the estimate.

Testing hypotheses in one-way ANOVA

Comparison of several means is accomplished by using an F statistic to compare the variation among groups with the variation within groups. We now show how the F statistic expresses this comparison. Calculations are organized in an ANOVA table, which contains numerical measures of the variation among groups and within groups.

First, we must specify our hypotheses for one-way ANOVA. As before, I represents the number of populations to be compared.

Before proceeding to inference, we should verify the conditions necessary for the one-way ANOVA results to be trusted. There is no point in doing this analysis if the data do not, at least approximately, meet these conditions.

Example 12.8 Verifying the conditions for ANOVA.

Data set icon for music.

We’ve discussed each of these conditions already. Here is a summary of our assessments for the music study.

SRSs. This is an experiment in which participants were randomly assigned to groups. We clearly have SRSs, but defining the population from which we obtained the participants is challenging. They were all recruited from MTurk and were paid to participate. Can we act as if they were randomly chosen from the general population of adults? People may disagree on the answer.

Normality. Are the number of problems completed Normally distributed in each group? We’ve already argued they are not Normally distributed, but because inference is based on the sample means and we have very large sample sizes, we are not concerned about violating this condition. The exception would be if there were outliers or extreme skewness. Figure 12.6 displays the Normal quantile plots for each of the three groups. There are no outliers and no strong departures from Normality.

Three normal quantile plots of score versus normal score for three music groups.

Figure 12.6 Normal quantile plots of the number of problems completed for the three background music groups, Example 12.8.

Common standard deviation. Are the population standard deviations equal? Because the largest sample standard deviation is not more than twice the smallest sample standard deviation, we can proceed, assuming that the population standard deviations are equal.

  1. 12.9 An alternative Normality check. Figure 12.6 displays Normal quantile plots for each of the three background music groups. An alternative procedure to check Normality is to make one Normal quantile plot using the residuals eij=xijx¯i for all three groups together. Make this plot and summarize what it shows. Data set icon for music.

  2. 12.10 An alternative Normality check (continued). Refer to the previous Check-in question. Describe the benefits and drawbacks of checking Normality using all the residuals together versus looking at each group sample separately. Which approach do you prefer and why?

Having determined that the data approximately satisfy these three conditions, we proceed with inference.

Example 12.9 Reading software output.

Data set icon for music.

Figure 12.7 shows descriptive statistics generated by JMP for the music study. Summaries for each background music group are given on the first three lines. In addition to the sample size, the mean, and the standard deviation, this output also gives the minimum and maximum observed values and the standard error of the mean of each group. The three sample means x¯i given in the output are estimates of the three unknown population means μi.

A JMP output of a descriptive statistics table.

Figure 12.7 Descriptive statistics for the music study, Example 12.9.

Software Output

The output gives the estimates of the standard deviations, si, for each group but does not provide sp, the pooled estimate of the common standard deviation, σ. We could perform the calculation using a calculator, as we did in Example 12.7. We will see an easier way to obtain this quantity from the ANOVA table.

Some software packages report sp as part of the standard ANOVA output. Sometimes you are not sure whether or not a quantity given by software is what you think it is. A good way to resolve this dilemma is to do a sample calculation with a simple example to check the numerical results.

caution Note that sp is not the standard deviation given in the “All” row of Figure 12.7. This quantity is the standard deviation that we would obtain if we viewed the data as a single sample of 447 participants and ignored the possibility that the group means could be different. As we have mentioned many times before, it is important to use care when reading and interpreting software output.

Example 12.10 Reading software output (continued).

Data set icon for music.

Output for the one-way ANOVA of the music study is given in Figure 12.8. We will discuss the construction of this output next. For now, we observe that the results of our significance test are given in the last two columns of the “Analysis of Variance” output. The null hypothesis that the three group means are the same is tested by the statistic F=3.039, and the associated P-value is reported as P=0.0489. The data provide evidence that barely passes the α=0.05 threshold. Although we can conclude that there are some differences among the three group means, we may not be comfortable generalizing the results beyond the population of MTurk workers. We also may question whether a difference of completing just one additional problem is really very meaningful or has much impact, given the level of variation within groups.

A JMP one-way analysis output.

Figure 12.8 JMP analysis of variance output for the music study, Example 12.10.

Software Output

The ANOVA table

For one-way ANOVA, the model is


Much as with linear regression, we can think of the information in the one-way ANOVA table in terms of our


view of statistical models. It summarizes the separation of the total variation and degrees of freedom in the data into two parts: the part due to the fit and the remainder, which we call residual.

Example 12.11 ANOVA table for the music study.

The JMP output in Figure 12.8 gives the sources of variation in the first column. Here, FIT is called Grp, the name of the factor, RESIDUAL is called Error, and DATA is the last entry, C. Total. Different software packages use different names for these sources of variation, but the basic concept is common to all. Other names for FIT may be “Between Groups” or “Model.” Another name for RESIDUAL is “Within Groups.”

The Grp row in the table gives information related to the variation among groups—in particular, their means. In expressing a general one-way ANOVA table, we will use the generic label “Groups.” The Error row in the table gives information related to the variation within groups. Although the term “Error” is frequently used for this source of variation, it is most appropriate for experiments in the physical sciences where the observations within a group differ because of measurement error. In business and the biological and social sciences, the within-group variation is often due to the fact that not all firms or plants or people are the same. This sort of variation is not due to errors and is better described as “residual” or “within-group” variation. Nevertheless, we will use the generic label “Error” for this source of variation in the general one-way ANOVA table.

Finally, the C. Total row in the one-way ANOVA table corresponds to the DATA term in our view of statistical models. So, for one-way analysis of variance,


translates into

total variation=variation between groups+variation within groups

The second and third columns in the software output given in Figure 12.8 are labeled “DF” and “Sum of Squares.” As you might expect, each sum of squares is a sum of squared deviations. We use SSG, SSE, and SST for the entries in this column, corresponding to groups, error, and total. Each sum of squares measures a different type of variation. SST measures variation of the data around the overall mean, xij − x¯. SSG measures variation of the group means around the overall mean, x¯i − x¯. Finally, SSE measures variation of each observation around its group mean, xij − x¯i.

Associated with each sum of squares is a quantity called the degrees of freedom, labeled “DF.” Because SST measures the variation of all N observations around the overall mean, its degrees of freedom are DFT=N1. This is the same as the degrees of freedom for the ordinary sample variance with sample size N. Similarly, because SSG measures the variation of the I sample means around the overall mean, its degrees of freedom are DFG=I1. Finally, SSE is the sum of squares of the deviations xij − x¯i. Here we have N observations being compared with I sample means, and DFE=N − I.

Example 12.12 ANOVA table for the music study (continued).

The “Sum of Squares” column in Figure 12.8 gives the values for the three sums of squares. They are


As we’ve seen before, total variation is always equal to the among-group variation plus the within-group variation. That is, SST=SSG+SSE.

In this study, we have I=3 and N=447. Therefore,


These are the entries in the “DF” column of Figure 12.8. Again, the degrees of freedom add in the same way—that is, DFT=DFG+DFE.

In this music study, most of the variation is coming from within groups. For a one-way analysis of variance, we define the coefficient of determination as


The coefficient of determination plays the same role as the squared multiple correlation R2 in a multiple regression. We can easily calculate the value from the one-way ANOVA table entries.

Example 12.13 Coefficient of determination for the music study.

The software-generated ANOVA table for the music study is given in Figure 12.8 (page 618). From that display, we see that SSG=116.4167 and SST=8621.5481. The coefficient of determination is


Only 1.4% of the variation in the number of completed math problems is explained by the different background music levels. The other 98.6% of the variation is due to participant-to-participant variation within each of the groups. We can see this in the boxplots of Figure 12.4 (page 604). Each of the groups has a large amount of variation, and there is a substantial amount of overlap in their distributions.

To assess whether the observed differences in sample means are statistically significant, some additional calculations are needed. For each source of variation, the mean square is the sum of squares divided by the degrees of freedom. You can verify this by doing the divisions for the values given on the output in Figure 12.8. We compare these mean squares to test whether the population means are all the same.

We can use the mean square for error to find sp, the pooled estimate of the parameter σ of our model. It is true in general that


In other words, the mean square for error is an estimate of the within-group variance, σ2. The estimate of σ is, therefore, the square root of this quantity. So,

Example 12.14 The pooled estimate for σ.

From the JMP output in Figure 12.8, we see that the MSE is reported as 19.1557. The pooled estimate of σ is therefore


This estimate is equal to our calculations of sp in Example 12.7.

The F test

If H0 is true, there are no differences among the group means. The ratio MSG/MSE is a statistic that is approximately 1 if H0 is true and tends to be larger if Ha is true. This is the one-way ANOVA F statistic. In our example, MSG=58.2084 and MSE=19.1557, so the ANOVA F statistic is


When H0 is true, the F statistic has an F distribution that depends upon two numbers: the degrees of freedom for the numerator and the degrees of freedom for the denominator. For one-way ANOVA, the degrees of freedom for the numerator are DFG=I1, and the degrees of freedom for the denominator are DFE=NI. We use the notation F(I1,NI) for this distribution. caution When determining the P-value, remember that the F test is always one-sided because any differences among the group means tend to make F large.

Example 12.15 The ANOVA F test for the music study.

In the music study, we found F=3.04. (Note that it is standard practice to round F statistics to two places after the decimal point.) There were three groups, so the degrees of freedom in the numerator are DFG=I1=2. The degrees of freedom in the denominator are DFE=NI=4473=444. Software provided a P-value of 0.0489, so at the 0.05 significance level, we reject H0 and conclude that the population means are not all the same.

If only the F statistic were provided, we’d need to use software or Table E to approximate the P-value. To get the P-value using Excel, we would enter=F.DIST.RT(3.04,2,444) in a cell. It provides P=0.0488. In Table E, we first find the column corresponding to 2 degrees of freedom in the numerator. For the degrees of freedom in the denominator, we see that there are entries for 200 and 1000. The values for these entries are very close. To be conservative, we use the critical value corresponding to 200 degrees of freedom in the denominator because it is slightly larger. Our test statistic F=3.04 is the critical value for P=0.05. Given that this critical value is larger than necessary, we can conclude that P<0.05.

p Critical value
0.100 2.33
0.050 3.04
0.025 3.76
0.010 4.71
0.001 7.15

Even though the group means explain only 1.4% of the total variability, the F test is statistically significant at the α=0.05 level. This example serves as a reminder that the F test is comparing the means. cautionA significant F test does not necessarily mean that the distributions of values are far apart.

Applet Using the One-Way ANOVA applet is an excellent way to see how the value of the F statistic and the P-value depend upon the variability of the data within the groups, the sample sizes, and the differences between the means. See Exercises 12.44, 12.45, and 12.46 (page 642) for use of this applet.

The one-way ANOVA F test shares the robustness of the two-sample t test. It is relatively insensitive to moderate non-Normality and unequal variances, especially when the sample sizes are similar. The constant variance assumption is more important when we compare means using contrasts and multiple comparisons, which are additional analyses that are performed after the ANOVA F test. We discuss these analyses in the next section.

The following display shows the general form of a one-way ANOVA table with the F statistic. The formulas in the sum of squares column can be used for calculations in small problems. There are other formulas that are more efficient for hand or calculator use, but ANOVA calculations are usually done by computer software.

Source Degrees of freedom Sum of squares Mean square F
Groups I 1 groupsni(x¯i-x¯)2 SSG/DFG MSG/MSE
Error N  I groups(ni-1)si2 SSE/DFE
Total N 1 obs(xij-x¯)2
  1. 12.11 What’s wrong? In each of the following, identify what is wrong and then either explain why it is wrong or change the wording of the statement to make it true.

    1. Within-group variation is the variation in the data due to the differences in the sample means.

    2. The mean squares in an ANOVA table will add—that is, MST=MSG+MSE.

    3. The pooled estimate sp is a parameter of the ANOVA model.

    4. A very small P-value implies that the group distributions of responses are far apart.

  2. 12.12 Determining the critical value of F. For each of the following situations, state how large the F statistic needs to be for rejection of the null hypothesis at the 0.05 level.

    1. Compare three groups with four observations per group.

    2. Compare three groups with five observations per group.

    3. Compare four groups with five observations per group.

    4. Summarize what you have learned about F distributions from this exercise.


Data set icon for Vtm.

We used JMP to illustrate the analysis of the music study. Other statistical software gives similar output, and you should be able to read it without any difficulty. Here’s an example on which to practice this skill.

Example 12.16 Do eyes affect ad response?

Data set icon for eyes.

Research from a variety of fields has found significant effects of eye gaze and eye color on emotions and perceptions such as arousal, attractiveness, and honesty. These findings suggest that a model’s eyes may play a role in a viewer’s response to an advertisement.

In one study, students in marketing and management classes of a southern, predominantly Hispanic, university were each presented with one of four portfolios.5 Each portfolio contained a target ad for a fictional product, Sparkle Toothpaste. Students were asked to view the ad and then respond to questions concerning their attitudes and emotions about the ad and product. All questions were from advertising-effects questionnaires previously used in the literature. Each response was on a seven-point scale.

Although the researchers investigated nine attitudes and emotions, we will focus on the viewer’s “attitudes toward the brand.” This response was obtained by averaging 10 survey questions.

The target ads were created using two digital photographs of a model. In one picture, the model is looking directly at the camera so the eyes can be seen. This picture was used in three target ads. The only difference was the model’s eyes, which were made to be either brown, blue, or green. In the second picture, the model is in virtually the same pose but looking downward so the eyes are not visible. A total of 222 surveys were used for analysis. Outputs from Excel, JMP, and Minitab are given in Figure 12.9.

Excel, JMP, and Minitab one-way ANOVA outputs.

Figure 12.9 Excel, JMP, and Minitab outputs for the advertising study, Example 12.16.

There is evidence at the 5% significance level to reject the null hypothesis that the four groups have equal means (P=0.036). In Exercises 12.27 and 12.28 (page 639), you are asked to perform further inference using contrasts.

This test uses a more robust measure of deviation, replacing the mean with the median and replacing squaring with the absolute value. Also, the creation of the transformed response variable is straightforward, so this test can be performed regardless of whether your software specifically has it.

Example 12.17 Are the standard deviations equal?

Data set icon for eyes.

Figure 12.10 shows output of the modified Levene’s test for the advertisement study. In JMP, the test is called Brown–Forsythe. The P-value is 0.6775, which is much larger than α=0.05, suggesting that we cannot reject the null hypothesis that they are the same. This result further supports the use of ANOVA for the advertisement study.

A JMP output for a one-way analysis.

Figure 12.10 JMP output for the test that the variances are equal, Example 12.17.

Remember that our rule of thumb (page 608) is used to assess whether different standard deviations will impact the ANOVA results. caution It’s not a formal test that the standard deviations are equal. There will be times when the rule and formal test do not agree.

Section 12.1 SUMMARY

  • One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to compare several population means based on independent SRSs from each population. The populations are assumed to be Normal, with possibly different means and the same standard deviation.

  • To do an analysis of variance, first examine the data. The model conditions only need to be approximately met in order to obtain valid results. Side-by-side boxplots give an overview of the data. Normal quantile plots and histograms (either for each group separately or for the residuals) allow you to detect outliers or extreme deviations from Normality.

  • In addition to Normality, the ANOVA model assumes equal population standard deviations. Compute the ratio of the largest to the smallest sample standard deviation. If this ratio is less than 2 and the Normality condition is reasonable, ANOVA can be performed.

  • If the data do not support equal standard deviations, consider transforming the response variable. This often makes the group standard deviations more nearly equal and makes the group distributions more Normal. If the standard deviations cannot be made similar by a transformation, inference requires different methods such as nonparametric methods or the bootstrap.

  • ANOVA is based on separating the total variation observed in the data into two parts: between-group variation and within-group variation. If the variation among groups is large relative to the variation within groups, we have evidence against the null hypothesis.

  • The one-way ANOVA table organizes the ANOVA calculations. Degrees of freedom, sums of squares, and mean squares appear in the table. The F statistic and its P-value are used to test the null hypothesis.

  • The coefficient of determination


    is the proportion of variation explained by the group means

  • The null hypothesis of the one-way ANOVA F test is that the group means are all equal. The alternative hypothesis is true if there are any differences among the group means.

  • The ANOVA F test shares the robustness of the two-sample t test. It is relatively insensitive to moderate non-Normality and unequal variances, especially when the sample sizes are similar.

Section 12.1 EXERCISES

  • 12.1 A one-way ANOVA example. A study compared four groups with five observations per group. An F statistic of 3.78 was reported.

    1. Give the degrees of freedom for this statistic and the entries from Table E that correspond to the F distribution under the null hypothesis.

    2. Sketch a picture of this F distribution with the information from Table E included.

    3. Given the reported F statistic, how would you report the P-value?

    4. If α=0.05, can you reject H0 and also conclude that all the group means are different? Explain your answer.

  • 12.2 Visualizing the ANOVA model. For each of the following settings, draw a picture of the ANOVA model similar to Figure 12.5 (page 607). To sketch the Normal curves, you may want to review the 68–95–99.7 rule on page 51.

    1. μ1=17,μ2=13,μ3=12,and σ=2.

    2. μ1=17,μ2=13,μ3=12,and σ=4.

    3. μ1=20,μ2=12,μ3=10,and σ=3.

  • 12.3 Visualizing the ANOVA model (continued). Refer to the previous exercise. If SRSs of size n=5 were obtained from each of the three populations, under which setting would you most likely obtain a significant ANOVA F test? Explain your answer.

  • 12.4 Calculating the ANOVA F test P-value. For each of the following situations, find the degrees of freedom for the F statistic and then use Table E (or software) to approximate (obtain) the P-value.

    1. Five groups are being compared, with 5 observations per group. The value of the F statistic is 3.47.

    2. Four groups are being compared, with 11 observations per group. The value of the F statistic is 4.28.

    3. Five groups are being compared, with 65 total observations. The value of the F statistic is 2.97.

  • 12.5 Calculating the ANOVA F test P-value (continued). For each of the following situations, find the F statistic and the degrees of freedom. Then draw a sketch of the distribution under the null hypothesis and shade in the portion corresponding to the P-value. State how you would report the P-value.

    1. Compare 3 groups with 21 observations per group, MSE=50 and MSG=340.

    2. Compare 8 groups with 6 observations per group, SSG=77, and SSE=190.

  • 12.6 Calculating the pooled standard deviation. An experiment was run to compare three groups. The sample sizes were 32, 27, and 98, and the corresponding estimated standard deviations were 2.2, 2.4, and 4.3.

    1. Is it reasonable to use the assumption of equal standard deviations when we analyze these data? Give a reason for your answer.

    2. Give the values of the variances for the three groups.

    3. Find the pooled variance.

    4. What is the value of the pooled standard deviation?

    5. Explain why your answer in part (d) is much closer to the standard deviation for the third group than to either of the other two standard deviations.

  • 12.7 Describing the ANOVA model. For each of the following situations, identify the response variable and the populations to be compared and give I, ni, and N.

    1. A poultry farmer is interested in reducing the cholesterol level in his marketable eggs. He wants to compare two different cholesterol-lowering drugs added to the hens’ standard diet as well as an all-vegetarian diet. He assigns 25 of his hens to each of the three treatments.

    2. A researcher is interested in students’ opinions regarding an additional annual fee to support non-income-producing varsity sports. Students were asked to rate their acceptance of this fee on a seven-point scale. The researcher received 94 responses, of which 31 were from students who attend varsity football or basketball games only, 18 were from students who also attend other varsity competitions, and 45 were from students who did not attend any varsity games.

    3. A professor wants to evaluate the effectiveness of his teaching assistants. In one class period, the 42 students were randomly divided into three equal-sized groups, and each group was taught power calculations from one of the assistants. At the beginning of the next class, each student took a quiz on power calculations, and these scores were compared.

  • 12.8 Describing the ANOVA model (continued). For each of the following situations, identify the response variable and the populations to be compared and give I, ni, and N.

    1. A developer of a virtual-reality (VR) teaching tool for the deaf wanted to compare the effectiveness of different navigation methods. A total of 40 children were available for the experiment, and equal numbers of children were randomly assigned to use a joystick, wand, dancemat, or gesture-based pinch gloves. The time (in seconds) to complete a designed VR path was recorded for each child.

    2. To study the effects of pesticides on birds, an experimenter randomly (and equally) allocated 65 chicks to five diets (a control and four other diets, each with a different pesticide included). After a month, the calcium content (milligrams) in a 1-centimeter length of bone from each chick was measured.

    3. A university sandwich shop wants to compare the effects of providing free food with a sandwich order on sales. The experiment will be conducted from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for the next 20 weekdays. On each day, customers will be offered one of the following: a free drink, free chips, a free cookie, or nothing. Each option will be offered five times.

  • 12.9 Determining the degrees of freedom. Refer to Exercise 12.7. For each situation, give the following:

    1. Degrees of freedom for groups, error and total sums of squares.

    2. Null and alternative hypotheses.

    3. Numerator and denominator degrees of freedom for the F statistic.

  • 12.10 Determining the degrees of freedom (continued). Refer to Exercise 12.8. For each situation, give the following:

    1. Degrees of freedom for groups, error and total sums of squares.

    2. Null and alternative hypotheses.

    3. Numerator and denominator degrees of freedom for the F statistic.

  • 12.11 Data collection and the interpretation of results. Refer to Exercise 12.7. For each situation, discuss the method of obtaining the data and how it will affect the extent to which the results can be generalized.

  • 12.12 Data collection (continued). Refer to Exercise 12.8. For each situation, discuss the method of obtaining the data and how it will affect the extent to which the results can be generalized.

  • 12.13 Effects of music on imagery training. Music that matches a sports activity’s requirements has been shown to enhance sports performance. Very little, however, is known about the effects of music on imagery in the context of sports performance. In one study, 63 novice dart throwers were randomly assigned equally to three groups.7 During each of 12 dart-throwing imagery sessions, one group listened to unfamiliar relaxing music (URM), another listened to unfamiliar arousing music (UAM), and the other listened to no music (NM). Dart-throwing performance was assessed before and after the imagery sessions using a 40-dart distance score. (Darts closer to the center of the board were given a higher score.) Here are the results for the gain in score (afterbefore):

    Group x¯ s
    URM 37.24 5.66
    UAM 17.57 5.30
    NM 13.19 6.14
    1. Is it reasonable to assume the variance is the same across groups? Explain your answer.

    2. Compute the estimated common standard deviation.

    3. Plot the means versus the imagery group. Do there appear to be differences in the average gain in performance? Use the estimated common standard deviation to explain your answer.

  • 12.14 Effects of music on imagery training (continued). Refer to the previous exercise.

    1. What are the numerator and denominator degrees of freedom for this study’s ANOVA F test?

    2. For this study, SSG=328.17. Use this and your estimated common standard deviation to compute the F statistic.

    3. Using Table E or software, what is the P-value for this study? What are your conclusions?

  • 12.15 The effects of two stimulant drugs. An experimenter was interested in investigating the effects of two stimulant drugs (labeled A and B). She divided 25 rats equally into five groups (placebo, Drug A low, Drug A high, Drug B low, and Drug B high) and, 20 minutes after injection of the drug, recorded each rat’s activity level (higher score is more active). The following table summarizes the results:

    Treatment x¯ s2
    Placebo 11.80 17.20
    Low A 15.25 13.10
    High A 18.55 10.25
    Low B 16.15  7.75
    High B 17.10 12.50
    1. Plot the means versus the type of treatment. Does there appear to be a difference in the activity level? Explain.

    2. Is it reasonable to assume that the variances are equal? Explain your answer and, if reasonable, compute sp.

    3. Give the degrees of freedom for the F statistic.

    4. The F statistic is 2.64. Find the associated P-value and state your conclusions.

  • 12.16 Perceptions of social media. It is estimated that more than 90% of North American students use social media. This has prompted much research on the mental health impacts of these technologies. In one study, researchers investigated how mental health workers perceive the association between social media and mental disorders. A sample of psychiatrists from Canada completed a questionnaire, from which a perception score was obtained (a higher score indicating a stronger perceived association). The following ANOVA table summarizes a comparison of these scores across three age groups (generations):

    Source DF SS MS F
    Age  2  137.78  68.89 0.45
    Error 45 6899.54 153.32
    Total 47 7037.32
    1. How many psychiatrists completed the questionnaire?

    2. What is the estimated common standard deviation?

    3. What is the P-value? Make sure to specify the degrees of freedom of the F statistic.

    4. State your conclusion using the P-value from part (c) and a 5% significance level.

  • 12.17 Pain tolerance among sports teams. Many have argued that sports such as football require the ability to withstand pain from injury for extended periods of time. To see if there is greater pain tolerance among certain sports teams, a group of researchers assessed 183 male Division II athletes from five sports.8 Each athlete was asked to put his dominant hand and forearm in a 3°C water bath and keep it in there until the pain became intolerable. The total amount of time (in seconds) that each athlete maintained his hand and forearm in the bath was recorded. Following this procedure, each athlete completed a series of surveys on aggression and competitiveness. In their report, the researchers state:

    A univariate between subjects (sports team) ANOVA was performed on the total amount of time athletes were able to keep their hand and forearm in the water bath, and found it to be statistically significant, F(4,146)=4.96,p<.001.

    Further analysis revealed that the lacrosse and soccer players tolerated the pain for a significantly longer period of time and swimmers tolerated the pain for a significantly shorter period of time than athletes from the other teams.

    1. Based on the description of the experiment, what should the degrees of freedom be for this analysis?

    2. Assuming that the degrees of freedom reported are correct, data from how many athletes were used in this analysis?

    3. The researchers do not comment on the missing data in their report. List two reasons these data may not have been used and, for each, explain how the omission could impact or bias the results.

  • NAEP 12.18 Constructing an ANOVA table. Refer to Check-in question 12.5 (page 608). Using the table of group means and standard deviations, construct an ANOVA table similar to that on page 543. Based on the F statistic and degrees of freedom, compute the P-value. What do you conclude?

  • 12.19 The effect of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields. The use of electronic devices, such as smartphones, is now part of everyday life. These devices increase our exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF). A study involving rats was run to study long-term exposure to ELF-EMF. For one analysis, they compared the time spent in a target quadrant that the rats were taught to go to prior to different levels of extended ELF-EMF exposure.9 There were 12 rats per level of exposure. The following ANOVA table partially summarizes the results:

    Source DF SS MS F
    ELF-EMF 4 662.86 5.70
    1. Fill in the missing entries in the ANOVA table.

    2. Test the null hypothesis that there is no difference in the average time spent at the target site across exposure levels.

    3. What is the estimate of σ?