10.1 Simple Linear Regression

Simple linear regression studies the relationship between a quantitative response variable y and a quantitative explanatory variable x. This relationship assumes that different values of x will produce different mean responses for y. We encountered a similar but simpler situation in Chapter 7, when we discussed methods for comparing two population means. Figure 10.1 illustrates the statistical model for Example 7.21 (page 425), a comparison of blood pressure decrease in two groups of experimental subjects. Group 1 subjects were provided a calcium supplement for 12 weeks, while Group 2 subjects were not. We can think of the calcium supplement (yes or no) as the explanatory variable in this example. This model has two important parts:

A diagram of comparing two treatments.

Figure 10.1 The statistical model for comparing responses to two treatments; the mean response varies with the treatment.

Statistical model for linear regression

In linear regression, the explanatory variable x is quantitative and can have many different values. Imagine, for example, giving different doses of the calcium supplement x to different groups. We can think of the values of x as defining different subpopulations, one for each possible value of x. Each subpopulation consists of all individuals in the population having the same value of x. If we gave an x=0mg supplement to one group (control), an x=150mg supplement to a second, an x=300mg supplement to a third group, and an x=450mg supplement to the last group, these four groups would be considered samples from the corresponding four subpopulations.

The statistical model for simple linear regression assumes that for each value of x (or subpopulation), the response variable y is Normally distributed, with a mean that depends on x. We use μy to represent these means. In general, the means μy can change as x changes according to any sort of pattern. In simple linear regression, the means all lie on a line when plotted against x. To summarize, this model also has two important parts:

The simple linear regression model is pictured in Figure 10.2. The line describes how the mean response μy changes with x. This is the population regression line. The four Normal curves show how the response y will vary for four different values of the explanatory variable x. Each curve is centered at its mean response μy. All four curves have the same spread, measured by their common standard deviation σ.

A diagram of linear regression.

Figure 10.2 The statistical model for linear regression; the mean response is a straight-line function of the explanatory variable.

Preliminary data analysis and inference considerations

The data for a linear regression are the n observed (x, y) pairs. The model takes each x to be a known quantity, like the milligrams of the calcium supplement.1 The response y for a given x is assumed to be a Normal random variable. The linear regression model describes the mean and standard deviation of this random variable.

We use the following example to explain the fundamentals of simple linear regression. Because regression calculations in practice are done by statistical software, we rely on computer output for the arithmetic. In Section 10.2, we show formulas to do the work with a calculator or spreadsheet. These formulas are useful in understanding analysis of variance (Section 10.2) and multiple regression (Chapter 11).

Example 10.1 Relationship between BMI and physical activity.

Data set icon for pabmi.

Decrease in physical activity is considered to be a major contributor to the increase in prevalence of overweight and obesity in the general adult population. Because the prevalence of physical inactivity among college students is similar to that of the adult population, researchers have tried to understand college students’ physical activity perceptions and behaviors.

In several studies, researchers have looked at the relationship between physical activity (PA) and body mass index (BMI).2 For this study, each participant wore a FitBit Flex™ for a week, and the average number of steps taken per day (in thousands) was recorded. Various body composition variables, including BMI in kilograms per square meter, kg/m2, were also measured. We consider a sample of 100 female undergraduates.

A scatterplot of B M I versus physical activity.

Figure 10.3 Scatterplot of body mass index (BMI) versus physical activity (PA) with the least-squares line, Example 10.1.

We start our analysis with a scatterplot of the data. Figure 10.3 is a plot of BMI versus physical activity for our sample of 100 participants. We use the names BMI and PA for the two quantitative variables. The least-squares regression line is included in the plot. There is a negative association between BMI and PA that appears approximately linear. There is also a considerable amount of scatter about this line.

Always start with a graphical display of the data. caution There is no point in fitting a linear model if the relationship is not approximately linear. A graphical display can also be used to assess the direction and strength of the relationship and to identify outliers and influential observations.

Before continuing our analysis, it is appropriate to consider the extent to which the results can reasonably be generalized. In the original study, undergraduate volunteers were obtained at a large southeastern public university through classroom announcements and campus flyers. caution The potential for bias should always be considered when obtaining volunteers. In this study, the volunteers were screened, and those with severe health issues, as well as varsity athletes, were excluded. As a result, the researchers considered the participants as an SRS from the population of undergraduates at this university. However, they acknowledged the risks of generalizing further, stating that similar investigations at universities of different sizes and in other climates of the United States are needed.

Revisiting the simple linear regression model

In this example, subpopulations are defined by the explanatory variable x, physical activity. The considerable amount of scatter about the least-squares regression line suggests a large amount of variation of BMI for each value of x that is in each subpopulation. Why might this occur? Consider sampling women from your university, each averaging the same number of steps per day—say, 9000. Even though the average number of steps per day is the same, you would not expect all these women to have the same BMI. Variation in other factors, such as genetic makeup, lifestyle, and diet should all contribute to the variation of BMI.

The statistical model for linear regression assumes that these BMI values are Normally distributed, with a mean μy that depends upon x in a linear way. Specifically,


This was displayed in Figure 10.2 with the line and the four Normal curves. The line is the population regression line, which gives the average BMI for all values of x. The Normal curves provide a description of the variation of BMI about these means.

The following equation expresses this idea:


The FIT part of the model consists of the subpopulation means, given by the expression β0+β1x. The RESIDUAL part represents deviations of the data from the line of population means. We assume that these deviations are Normally distributed with mean 0 and standard deviation σ.

We use ε (the lowercase Greek letter epsilon) to stand for the RESIDUAL part of the statistical model. A response y is the sum of its mean and a chance deviation ε from the mean. These model deviations ε represent “noise”—that is, variation in y due to other causes that prevent the observed (x, y)-values from forming a perfectly straight line on the scatterplot.

  1. 10.1 Understanding a linear regression model. Consider a linear regression model for the decrease in blood pressure (mmHg) over a four-week period with μy=0.2+0.008x and standard deviation σ=3.2. The explanatory variable x is the milligrams of calcium in the supplement.

    1. What is the slope of the population regression line?

    2. Explain clearly what this slope says about the change in the mean of y for a 100 mg increase in x.

    3. What is the intercept of the population regression line?

    4. Explain clearly what this intercept says about the mean decrease in blood pressure.

  2. 10.2 Understanding a linear regression model, continued. Refer to the previous Check-in question.

    1. What is the subpopulation mean when the supplement is x=600mg?

    2. What is the subpopulation distribution when the supplement is x=600mg?

    3. Using the 68–95–99.7 rule (page 51), between what two values would approximately 95% of the observed responses y fall when x=600mg?

Before moving on to parameter estimation, there is one additional issue that often deserves attention. The simple linear regression model considers that the x-values are known exactly but, in practice, they are often estimated. For example, in our study, the physical activity level x is estimated using a FitBit Flex worn over a one-week period. caution If there is error in measuring x, and it is large relative to the spread of the x’s, more advanced inference methods using errors-in-variables models are needed. In this case, the measurement error is expected to be relatively small. Subjects were instructed to continue normal activities and to notify the researchers of any deviations. Also, this estimate of physical activity represents an average over seven days.

Estimating the regression parameters

The method of least squares presented in Chapter 2 fits a line to summarize a relationship between the observed values of an explanatory variable and a response variable. Now we want to use the least-squares regression line as a basis for inference about a population from which our observations are a sample. In that setting, the slope b1 and intercept b0 of the least-squares line


estimate the slope β1 and the intercept β0 of the population regression line.

caution This inference should only be done when the linear regression model conditions are reasonably met. Various checks are needed, and some judgment is required. Because additional methods to check these conditions rely on first fitting the model to the data, let’s briefly review the estimation methods of Chapter 2.

Using the formulas from Chapter 2, the slope of the least-squares line is


and the intercept is


Here, r is the correlation between the observed values of y and x, sy is the standard deviation of sample y’s, and sx is the standard deviation of the sample x’s.

Recall that the least-squares regression line always passes through the point (x¯,y¯). Notice also that if the slope b1 is 0, so is the correlation, and vice versa. We discuss this latter connection in more depth later in this chapter.

The remaining parameter to be estimated is σ, which measures the variation of y about the population regression line. More precisely, σ is the standard deviation of the Normal distribution of the deviations εi in the regression model. We don’t observe these εi, so how can we estimate σ?

Recall that the vertical deviations of the points in a scatterplot from the fitted regression line are the residuals. We use ei for the residual of the ith observation:

ei=observed response-predicted response=yi-y^i=yi-b0-b1xi

The residuals ei correspond to the linear regression model deviations εi. The ei sum to 0, and the εi come from a population with mean 0. Because we do not observe the εi, we use the residuals to estimate σ and check the model conditions of the εi.

To estimate σ, we work first with the variance and take the square root to obtain the standard deviation. For simple linear regression, the estimate of σ2 is the average squared residual


We average by dividing the sum by n-2 in order to make s2 an unbiased estimate of σ2. (The sample variance of n observations uses the divisor n-1 for this same reason.) The quantity n-2 is the degrees of freedom for s2. The estimate of the model standard deviation σ is given by


We call s the regression standard error.

We now use statistical software to calculate the regression for predicting BMI from physical activity for Example 10.1. In entering the data, we chose the names PA for the explanatory variable and BMI for the response. It is good practice to use names, rather than just x and y, to remind yourself which variables the output describes.

Example 10.2 Statistical software output for BMI and physical activity.

Data set icon for pabmi.

Figure 10.4 gives the outputs from two commonly used statistical software packages and Excel. Other software will give similar information. The JMP output reports estimates of our three parameters as b0=29.578, b1=-0.655, and s=3.6549. Be sure that you can find these values in this output and the corresponding values in the other outputs.

Excel, JMP, and R outputs for a regression analysis.

Figure 10.4 Regression outputs from Excel, JMP, and R, Example 10.2.

The least-squares regression line is the straight line that is plotted in Figure 10.3 (page 518). We would report it as


with an estimated model standard deviation of s=3.655. Because PA is coded in thousands of steps, the estimated model says that for each increase of 1000 steps per day, we expect the average BMI to be 0.655 smaller. The large estimated model standard deviation, however, suggests that there is a lot of variability about these means.

Note that the number of digits provided varies with the software used, and we have rounded the values to three decimal places. It is important to avoid cluttering up your report of the results of a statistical analysis with many digits that are not relevant. caution Software often reports many more digits than are meaningful or useful.

Computer outputs often give more information than we want or need. This is done to reduce user frustration when a software package does not print out the particular statistics wanted for an analysis. As you gain experience interpreting output, you learn to ignore the parts of the output that are not needed for the current analysis.

Example 10.3 Predicted values and residuals for BMI.

We can use the least-squares regression equation to find the predicted BMI corresponding to any value of PA. Suppose that a female college student averages 8000 steps per day. We predict that this person will have a BMI of


If her actual BMI is 25.655, then the residual would be


Because the means μy lie on the line μy=β0+β1x, they are all determined by β0 and β1. Thus, once we have estimates of β0 and β1, the linear relationship determines the estimates of μy for all values of x. Linear regression allows us to do inference not only for subpopulations for which we have data but also for those corresponding to x’s not present in the data. These x-values can be both within and outside the range of observed x’s. caution However, extreme caution must be taken when performing inference for an x-value outside the range of the observed x’s, also known as extrapolation, because there is no assurance that the same linear relationship between μy and x holds.

  1. 10.3 More on BMI and physical activity. Refer to Examples 10.2 (page 522) and 10.3.

    1. What is the predicted BMI for a woman who averages 9500 steps per day?

    2. If an observed BMI at x=9.5 were 24.3, what would be the residual?

    3. Suppose that you wanted to use the estimated population regression line to examine the predicted BMI for a woman who averages 4000, 10,000, or 16,000 steps per day. Discuss the appropriateness of using the least-squares equation to predict BMI for each of these activity levels.

Checking conditions for regression inference

Now that we have fitted a line, we can further check the conditions that the simple linear regression model imposes on this fit. These checks are very important but often overlooked. caution There is no point in trying to do statistical inference if the data do not, at least approximately, meet the conditions that are the foundation for the inference. Misleading or incorrect conclusions can result.

These conditions concern the population, but we can observe only our sample. Thus, in doing inference, we act as if the sample is an SRS from the population. When the data are collected through some sort of random sampling, this condition is often easy to justify. In other settings, this condition requires more thought, and the justification is often debatable. For example, in Example 10.1 (page 518), the sample was a collection of volunteers, and the researchers argued that they could be considered an SRS from the population of college students at that university.

The remaining model conditions can be checked through a visual examination of the residuals. The first condition is that there is a linear relationship in the population, and the second is that the standard deviation of the responses about the population line is the same for all values of the explanatory variable. It is common to plot the residuals both against the case number (especially if this reflects the order in which the observations were collected) and against the explanatory variable. These residual plots are preferred to scatterplots of y versus x because they better magnify patterns. We often add a scatterplot smoother to these plots for further assistance in detecting patterns. The final condition is that the response varies Normally about the population regression line. That is, the model deviations vary Normally about 0.

Example 10.4 Checking the model conditions for BMI and physical activity.

Data set icon for pabmi.

Figure 10.5 is a plot of the residuals versus physical activity with a smooth-function fit. This smooth function suggests that the average residual is greater than 0 at both low and high physical activity levels. This could mean that a curved relationship between BMI and physical activity would better fit the data. It also could just be the result of chance variation. Notice that there is a large positive residual near each end of the physical activity range that is likely pulling up each end of the smoothed curve. Because the effect does not appear large, we attribute this pattern to chance variation. We do, however, investigate this further in Exercise 11.35 (page 593).

To check the assumption of a common standard deviation, we look at the spread of the residuals across the range of x. In Figure 10.5, the spread is roughly uniform across the range of PA, suggesting that this condition is reasonably met. There also do not appear to be any outliers or influential observations.

A scatterplot of residual versus physical activity.

Figure 10.5 Plot of residuals versus physical activity (PA) with a smooth function, Example 10.4.

A normal quantile plot of residual versus normal score.

Figure 10.6 Normal quantile plot of the residuals, Example 10.4.

Figure 10.6 is a Normal quantile plot of the residuals. Because the plot looks reasonably straight, we are confident that the model deviations are approximately Normally distributed.

Note that the model does not require the distributions of y and x to be Normal; only the distribution of the model deviations is assumed Normal. caution It is a common mistake to assess the Normality of y when checking model conditions. Even though the examination of the x and y distributions can be helpful in terms of identifying potential outliers and influential observations, the focus should be on the residuals, which account for the differing means, when checking Normality.

In settings where the choices of x are controlled—for example, assigning subjects different milligrams of calcium supplement—we consider the subjects to be an SRS from the population and that they are randomly assigned to the different choices of x. In other words, the y’s for each value of x are an SRS from its subpopulation.

Provided our check of conditions gives no reason to question the use of the simple linear regression model, we can comfortably proceed to inference about parameters, or functions of parameters, such as

If these condition checks raise doubts, it is best to consult an expert, as a more sophisticated regression model is likely needed. There is, however, one relatively simple remedy that may be worth investigation: transforming variables. An example using this remedy is provided at the end of this section.

Confidence intervals and significance tests

Data set icon for Vtm.

Chapter 7 presented confidence intervals and significance tests for means and differences in means. In each case, inference rested on the standard errors of estimates and on t distributions. Inference in simple linear regression is similar in principle. For example, the confidence intervals have the form


where t* is a critical point of a t distribution. It is only the formulas for the estimate and standard error that are different.

As a consequence of the model assumptions about the deviations εi, the sampling distributions of b0 and b1 are Normally distributed with means β0 and β1 and standard deviations that are multiples of σ, the model parameter that describes the variability about the true regression line. In fact, even if the εi are not Normally distributed, a general form of the central limit theorem tells us that the distributions of b0 and b1 will be approximately Normal.

Because we do not know σ, we use the estimated model standard deviation s, which measures the variability of the data about the least-squares line. When we do this, we again move from the Normal distribution to t distributions but now with degrees of freedom n-2, the degrees of freedom of s. We give formulas for the standard errors SEb1 and SEb0 in Section 10.2. For now, we concentrate on the basic ideas and let the computer do the computations.

Formulas for confidence intervals and significance tests for the intercept β0 are exactly the same, replacing b1 and SEb1 by b0 and its standard error SEb0, respectively. Although computer outputs often include a test of H0:β0=0, this information usually has little practical value. From the equation for the population regression line, μy=β0+β1x, we see that β0 is the mean response corresponding to x=0. In many practical situations, this subpopulation does not exist or is not interesting. That is the case for the physical activity study, but Check-in question 10.1 (page 520) is a setting where this information is meaningful.

The test of H0:β1=0 is always quite useful. When we substitute β1=0 in the model, the x term drops out, and we are left with


This equation says that the mean of y does not vary with x. In other words, all the y’s come from a single population with mean β0, which we would estimate by y¯. The hypothesis H0:β1=0 therefore says that there is no straight-line relationship between y and x and that linear regression of y on x is of no value for predicting y.

Example 10.5 Statistical software output, continued.

The computer outputs in Figure 10.4 (page 522) for the physical activity study contain the information needed for inference about the regression slope and intercept. Let’s look at the JMP output. The column labeled “Std Error” gives the standard errors of the estimates. The value of SEb1 appears on the line labeled with the variable name for the explanatory variable, PA. Rounding to three decimal places, it is given as 0.158. In a summary, we would report that the regression coefficient for the average number of steps per day is -0.655, with a standard error of 0.158.

The t statistic and P-value for the test of H0:β1=0 against the two-sided alternative Ha:β10 appear in the columns labeled “t Ratio” and “Prob>|t|.” We can verify the t calculation from the formula for the standardized estimate:


The P-value is given as <0.0001. The other outputs in Figure 10.4 also indicate that the P-value is very small. Less than 1 chance in 10,000 is sufficiently small for us to decisively reject the null hypothesis.

We have found a statistically significant linear relationship between physical activity and BMI. The estimated slope is more than 4 standard deviations away from zero. Because this is highly unlikely to happen if the true slope is zero, we have strong evidence for our claim.

Note, however, that this is not the same as concluding that we have found a strong linear relationship between the response and explanatory variables in this example. We saw in Figure 10.3 that there is a lot of scatter about the regression line. caution A very small P-value for the significance test for a zero slope does not necessarily imply that we have found a strong relationship.

A confidence interval provides additional information about the linear relationship. For most statistical software, these intervals are optional output and must be requested. We can also construct them by hand from the default output.

Example 10.6 Confidence interval for the slope.

A confidence interval for β1 requires a critical value t* from the t(n-2)=t(98) distribution. In Table D, there are entries for 80 and 100 degrees of freedom. The values for these rows are very similar. To be conservative, we will use the larger critical value, for 80 degrees of freedom. Find the confidence level values at the bottom of the table. In the 95% confidence column, the entry for 80 degrees of freedom is t*=1.990.

To compute the 95% confidence interval for β1, we combine the estimate of the slope with the margin of error:


The interval is (0.969,0.341). As expected, this is slightly wider than the interval given by software (see the Excel output in Figure 10.4). We estimate that, on average, an increase of 1000 steps per day is associated with a decrease in BMI of between 0.341 and 0.969 kg/m2.

We mentioned earlier that the intercept in this example is not of practical interest. It estimates average BMI when the activity level is 0, a value that isn’t realistic. For this reason, we do not compute a confidence interval for β0 or discuss the significance test available in the software.

  1. 10.4 Significance test for the population slope. Test the null hypothesis that the slope is zero versus the two-sided alternative in each of the following settings using the α=0.05 significance level:

    1. n=20, y^=28.5+1.4x, and SEb1=0.65.

    2. n=32, y^=30.8+2.2x, and SEb1=1.05.

    3. n=16, y^=29.3+2.2x, and SEb1=1.05.

  2. 10.5 95% confidence interval for the slope. For each of the settings in the previous Check-in question, find the 95% confidence interval for the slope and explain what the interval tells you.

Confidence intervals for mean response

Besides performing inference about the slope (and sometimes the intercept) in a linear regression, we may want to use the estimated regression line to make predictions about the response y at certain values of x. We may be interested in the mean response for different subpopulations or in the response of future observations at different values of x. In either case, we would want an estimate and associated margin of error.

For any specific value of x, say x*, the mean of the response y in this subpopulation is given by


To estimate this mean from the sample, we substitute the estimates b0 and b1 for β0 and β1:


A confidence interval for μy adds and subtracts to this estimate a margin of error based on the standard error SEμ^. The formula for the standard error is given in Section 10.2.

Many computer programs calculate confidence intervals for the mean response corresponding to each of the x-values in the data. Some can calculate an interval for any value x* of the explanatory variable. We will use a plot to illustrate these intervals.

Example 10.7 Confidence intervals for the mean response.

Data set icon for pabmi.

Figure 10.7 shows the upper and lower confidence limits on a graph with the data and the least-squares line. The 95% confidence limits appear as dashed curves. For any x*, the confidence interval for the mean response extends from the lower dashed curve to the upper dashed curve. The intervals are narrowest for values of x* near the mean of the observed x’s and widen as x* moves away from x¯.

A scatterplot of B M I versus physical activity.

Figure 10.7 The 95% confidence limits (dashed curves) for the mean response for the physical activity study, Example 10.7.

Some software will do these calculations directly if you input a value for the explanatory variable. Other software will calculate the intervals for each value of x in the data set. Creating a new data set with an additional observation with x equal to the value of interest and y missing will often work.

Example 10.8 Confidence interval for an average of 9000 steps per day.

Let’s find the confidence interval for the average BMI at x=9.0. Our predicted BMI is


Software tells us that the 95% confidence interval for the mean response is 23.0 to 24.4 kg/m2.

If we sampled many women who averaged 9000 steps per day, we would expect their average BMI to be between 23.0 and 24.4 kg/m2. Note that many of the observations in Figure 10.7 lie outside the confidence bands. caution These confidence intervals do not tell us what BMI to expect for a single observation at a particular average steps per day. We need a different kind of interval, a prediction interval, for this purpose.

Prediction intervals

Data set icon for Vtm.

In the last example, we predicted the average BMI for x*=9000 steps per day. Suppose that we now want to predict an observation of BMI for a woman averaging 9000 steps per day. The predicted response y for an individual case with a specific value x* of the explanatory variable x is


This is the same as the expression for μ^y. That is, the fitted line is used both to estimate the mean response when x=x* and to predict a single future response. We use the two notations μ^y and y^ to remind ourselves of these two distinct uses.

This means our best guess for the BMI of this woman averaging 9000 steps per day is what we obtained using the regression equation, 23.7kg/m2. A useful prediction, however, also needs a margin of error (or interval) to indicate its precision. The interval used to predict a future observation is called a prediction interval. Although the response y that is being predicted is a random variable, the interpretation of a prediction interval is similar to that for a confidence interval.

Consider doing the following many times:

Then, 95% of the prediction intervals will contain the value of y for the additional observation. In other words, the probability that this method produces an interval that contains the value of a future observation is 0.95.

The form of the prediction interval is very similar to that of the confidence interval for the mean response. The difference is that the standard error SEy^ used in the prediction interval includes both the variability due to the fact that the least-squares regression line is not exactly equal to the true regression line and the variability of the future response variable y around the subpopulation mean. The formula for SEy^ appears in Section 10.2.

Again, we use a graph to illustrate the results.

Example 10.9 Prediction intervals for BMI.

Data set icon for pabmi.

Figure 10.8 shows the upper and lower prediction limits, along with the data and the least-squares line. The 95% prediction limits are indicated by the dashed curves. Compare this figure with Figure 10.7, which shows the 95% confidence limits drawn to the same scale. The upper and lower limits of the prediction intervals are much farther away from the least-squares line than are the confidence limits. This results in most, but not all, of the observations in Figure 10.8 lying within the prediction bands.

A scatterplot of B M I versus physical activity.

Figure 10.8 The 95% prediction limits (dashed curves) for individual responses for the physical activity study, Example 10.9. Compare with Figure 10.7. The limits are wider because the margins of error incorporate the variability about the subpopulation means.

The comparison of Figures 10.7 and 10.8 reminds us that the interval for a single future observation must be larger than an interval for the mean of its subpopulation.

Example 10.10 Prediction interval for 9000 steps per day.

Let’s find the prediction interval for a future observation of BMI for a college-aged woman who averages 9000 steps per day. The predicted value is the same as the estimate of the average BMI that we calculated in Example 10.8 (that is, 23.7kg/m2). Software tells us that the 95% prediction interval is 16.4 to 31.0kg/m2. This interval is extremely wide, covering BMI values that are classified as underweight as well as obese. Because of the large amount of scatter about the regression line, prediction intervals here are relatively useless.

caution Although a larger sample would better estimate the population regression line, it would not reduce the degree of scatter about the line. This means that prediction intervals for BMI, given activity level, will always be wide. This example clearly demonstrates that a very small P-value for the significance test for a zero slope does not necessarily imply that we have found a strong predictive relationship.

  1. 10.6 Margin of error for the predicted mean. Refer to Figure 10.7 (page 529) and Example 10.8 (page 529). What is the 95% margin of error of μ^y when x=9.0? Would you expect the margin of error to be larger, smaller, or the same for x=11.0? Explain your answer.

  2. 10.7 Margin of error for a predicted response. Refer to Example 10.10. What is the 95% margin of error of y^ when x=9.0? If you increased the sample size from n=100 to n=400, would you expect the 95% margin of error for the predicted response to be roughly twice a large, half as large, or the same for x=9.0? Explain your answer.

Transforming variables

We started our analysis of Example 10.1 with a scatterplot to check whether the relationship between BMI and physical activity could be summarized with a straight line. We followed the least-squares fit with a residual plot (Figure 10.5) and a Normal quantile plot (Figure 10.6) to check that Normality, constant standard deviation, and linearity were approximately met. A check of model conditions should always be done prior to inference.

When there is a violation, it is best to consult an expert. However, there are times when a transformation of one or both variables will remedy the situation. In Chapter 2, we discussed the use of the log transformation to describe a curved relationship between x and y. Here is an example where the log transformation has a greater impact on other model assumptions.

Example 10.11 The relationship between income and education for entrepreneurs.

Data set icon for entre.

Numerous studies have shown that better-educated employees have higher incomes. Is this also true for entrepreneurs? Do more years of formal education translate into higher incomes? One study explored this question using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY), which followed a large group of individuals aged 14 to 22 for roughly 10 years.3 We consider a random sample of 100 entrepreneurs.

The researchers defined entrepreneurs to be those who were self-employed or who were the owner/director of an incorporated business. For each of these individuals, they recorded the education level and income. The education level was defined as the years of schooling completed prior to starting the business. The income level was the average annual total earnings since starting the business.

Figure 10.9 is a scatterplot of income versus education for our sample of 100 entrepreneurs, along with a smoothed curve. We use the variable names Inc and Educ.

A scatterplot of income versus education.

Figure 10.9 Scatterplot, with smoothed curve, of average annual income versus years of education for a sample of 100 entrepreneurs, Example 10.11.

The smoothed curve looks roughly linear, but the distributions of income subpopulations are skewed to the right. At each education level, there are many small incomes and just a few very large incomes. It also looks like the smoothed curve is being pulled toward those very large incomes, suggesting that those observations could be influential.

A common remedy for a skewed variable is to consider transforming it prior to fitting the model. Here, the researchers considered the natural logarithm of income (LogInc).

Example 10.12 Is this linear regression model reasonable?

Data set icon for entre.

Figure 10.10 is a scatterplot of these transformed data with the least-squares line and smoothed curve. Notice that the smoothed curve is practically the same as the least-squares line. More importantly, the observations are now more equally dispersed above and below the line, and those very large incomes don’t look unusual anymore.

A scatterplot of log of income versus education.

Figure 10.10 Scatterplot, with smoothed curve (black) and regression line (red), of log average annual income versus years of education for a sample of 100 entrepreneurs. The smoothed curve is almost the same as the least-squares regression line, Example 10.12.

A complete check of the residuals is still needed (see Exercise 10.13), but it appears that transforming y results in a data set that satisfies the linear regression model. Not only is the relationship more linear but the distribution of the observations about the regression line is more Normal. caution This is not always the end result of a transformation. In other cases, transforming a variable may help linearity and harm the Normality and constant variance assumptions. Always check the residuals before proceeding with inference.

Example 10.13 The accumlation of bone mass in young women.

As we age, our bones become weaker and are more likely to break. Osteoporosis (or weak bones) is the major cause of bone fractures in older women. Various researchers have studied this problem by looking at how and when bone mass is accumulated by young women. They’ve determined that up to 90% of a person’s peak bone mass is acquired by age 18 in girls.4 This makes youth the best time to invest in stronger bones.

Figure 10.11 displays data for a measure of bone strength called “total body bone mineral density” (TBBMD) and age for a sample of 256 young women.5 TBBMD is measured in grams per square centimeter (g/cm2), and age is recorded in years. The solid curve is the nonlinear fit, and the dashed curves are 95% prediction limits. As with our example of BMI and activity level, there is a large amount of scatter about the fitted curve. Although prediction intervals may be useless in this case, the researchers can draw some conclusions regarding the relationship.

A scatterplot of total body bone mineral density versus age.

Figure 10.11 Plot of total body bone mineral density versus age, Example 10.13.

The fitted nonlinear equation is


In this equation, y^ is the predicted value of TBBMD, the response variable, and x is age, the explanatory variable. A straight line would not do a very good job of summarizing the relationship between TBBMD and age. At first, TBBMD increases with age, but then it levels off as age increases. The value of the function where it is level is called “peak bone mass”; it is a parameter in the nonlinear model. The estimate is 1.162, and the standard error is 0.008. Software gives the 95% confidence interval as (1.146, 1.178). Other calculations could be done to determine the age by which 90% of this peak bone mass is acquired.

The long-range goals of the researchers who conducted this study include developing intervention programs (such as exercise and increasing calcium intake) for young women to increase their TBBMD.

Section 10.1 SUMMARY

  • The simple linear regression model says that the means of the response variable y fall on a line when plotted against x, with the observed y’s varying Normally about these means. For n observations, this model can be written


    for i=1,2,,n, where the εi are Normally distributed with mean 0 and common standard deviation σ.

  • The parameters of the model are the intercept β0, the slope β1, and the regression standard deviation σ. The unbiased estimates of β0 and β1 are the intercept b0 and slope b1 of the least-squares line, respectively. The parameter σ is estimated by the regression standard error


    where the ei are the residuals

  • Prior to inference, always check the model conditions by examinng the residuals for Normality, constant variance, and any other remaining patterns in the data. Plots of the residuals both against the case number and against the explanatory variable are commonly part of this examination.

  • A level C confidence interval for the slope β1 is


    where t* is the value for the t(n-2) density curve with area C between -t* and t*. In practice, you will use software to find the slope b1 of the least-squares line and its standard error SEb1.

  • The test of the hypothesis H0:β1=0 is based on the test statistic


    and the t(n-2) distribution. This tests whether there is a straight-line relationship between y and x.

  • The estimated mean response for the subpopulation corresponding to the value x* of the explanatory variable is

  • The estimated value of the response variable for a future observation from the subpopulation corresponding to the value x* of the explanatory variable is

  • A level C confidence interval for the mean response μy when x=x* is


    where t* is the value for the t(n-2) density curve with area C between -t* and t*.

  • A level C prediction interval for a future response y when x=x* is


    where t* is the value for the t(n-2) density curve with area C between -t* and t*.

  • The standard error for the prediction interval is larger than the confidence interval because it also includes the variability of the future observation around its subpopulation mean.

  • Sometimes, a transformation of one or both of the variables can make their relationship linear. However, these transformations can harm other conditions, like Normality and constant variance, so it is important to examine the residuals.

Section 10.1 EXERCISES

  1. 10.1 What’s wrong? For each of the following statements, explain what is wrong and why.

    1. The parameters of the simple linear regression model are b0, b1, and s.

    2. To test H0:b1=0, use a t test with n-2 degrees of freedom.

    3. For a particular value of the explanatory variable x, the confidence interval for the mean response will be wider than the prediction interval for a future observation.

  2. 10.2 What’s wrong? For each of the following statements, explain what is wrong and why.

    1. The slope describes the change in x for a change in y.

    2. The population regression line is y=b0+b1x.

    3. A 95% confidence interval for the mean response is the same width, regardless of x.

  3. 10.3 U.S. versus overseas stock returns. Returns on common stocks in the United States and overseas appear to be growing more closely correlated as economies become more interdependent. Suppose that the following population regression line connects the total annual returns (in percent) on two indexes of stock prices:

    Mean Overseas Return=-0.08+0.20×U.S. Return
    1. What is β0 in this line? What does this number say about overseas returns when the U.S. market is flat (0% return)?

    2. What is β1 in this line? What does this number say about the relationship between U.S. and overseas returns?

    3. We know that overseas returns will vary in years when U.S. returns do not vary. Write the regression model based on the population regression line given above. What part of this model allows overseas returns to vary when U.S. returns remain the same?

  4. 10.4 Predicting BMI. In Example 10.2, Subject 13 averaged 9114 steps and has a BMI of 29.9. Using the least-squares regression equation in Example 10.3, find the predicted BMI and the residual for this individual.

  5. NAEP 10.5 Importance of Normal model deviations? A general form of the central limit theorem tells us that the sampling distributions of b0 and b1 will be approximately Normal even if the model deviations are not Normally distributed. Using this fact, explain why the Normal distribution assumption is much more important for a prediction interval than for the confidence interval of the mean response at x=x*.

  6. 10.6 College debt versus adjusted in-state costs. Kiplinger’s “Best Values in Public Colleges” provides a ranking of U.S. public colleges based on a combination of various measures of academics and affordability.6 Let’s focus on the relationship between the average debt in dollars at graduation (AveDebt) and the in-state cost per year after need-based aid (InCostAid). A scatterplot that includes the least-squares regression line is shown in Figure 10.12 for a random sample of 27 colleges from the 2019 report. Data set icon for bestval.

    1. Does a linear relationship between InCostAid and AveDebt seem reasonable? Explain your answer.

    2. Are there any unusual cases in this sample? If yes, state which ones they are and how they may be affecting the least-squares fit.

    A scatterplot of average debt versus in-state cost after aid.

    Figure 10.12 Scatterplot with least-squares regression line, Exercise 10.6.

  7. 10.7 Can we consider this an SRS? Refer to the previous exercise. The report states that Kiplinger’s rankings focus on traditional four-year public colleges with broad-based curricula and on-campus housing. Each year, Kiplinger starts with more than 500 schools and then narrows down the list to roughly the top 150, based on academic quality. The data set in the previous exercise is an SRS from Kiplinger’s published list of 174 schools. In terms of investigating the relationship between the average debt and the in-state cost after adjusting for need-based aid, is it reasonable to consider this to be an SRS from the population of more than 500 schools? Write a short paragraph explaining your answer.

  8. 10.8 Predicting college debt. Refer to Exercise 10.6. Colorado School of Mines has a much larger in-state cost than the other schools in the sample. Figure 10.13 contains JMP output for the simple linear regression of AveDebt on InCostAid with this case removed. Data set icon for bestval.

    1. State the least-squares regression line.

    2. Construct a 95% confidence interval for the slope. What does this interval tell you about the change in average debt for a $1000 increase in the in-state cost?

    3. Indiana University Bloomington is one school in this sample. It has an in-state cost of $10,632 and average debt of $28,792. What is the residual?

    4. Penn State University is reported to have an adjusted in-state cost of $25,235. Discuss the appropriateness of using this revised data set to predict the average debt for this university.

    A JMP output of a regression analysis.

    Figure 10.13 JMP output for the simple linear regression, Exercise 10.8.

  9. 10.9 More on predicting college debt. Refer to the previous exercise. James Madison University has an in-state cost of $15,659, and University of Wisconsin–Madison has an in-state cost of $11,507.

    1. Using your answer to part (a) of the previous exercise, what is the predicted average debt for a student at James Madison University?

    2. What is the predicted average debt for a student at University of Wisconsin–Madison?

    3. Without doing any calculations, would the 95% margin of error for the predicted average debt be larger for James Madison University or the University of Wisconsin–Madison? Explain your answer.

  10. 10.10 Impact of an unusual observation. Refer to Exercise 10.6 (page 536). Colorado School of Mines was removed from this analysis because it was considered an influential observation. Is that the case? Let’s investigate its impact on the fit. Data set icon for bestval.

    1. Refit the model using the entire sample of 27 schools. Create a table that summarizes the model estimates with and without this case.

    2. Describe the impact this observation has on the fit of the linear regression model.

    3. If you were writing a report for publication, would you include the fit with or without this case? Explain your answer.

  11. 10.11 Predicting college debt: Other measures. Refer to Exercise 10.6. Let’s look at AveDebt and its relationship with the other explanatory variables in the data set. In addition to the in-state cost after aid (InCostAid), there is the admittance rate (Admit), the four-year graduation rate (Grad4Rate), and the in-state cost before aid (InCost). Data set icon for bestval.

    1. Generate scatterplots of each explanatory variable and AveDebt. Do all these relationships look linear? Describe what you see. Does Colorado School of Mines still look influential? Do any new cases raise alarms?

    2. Fit each of the explanatory variables separately and create a table that lists the explanatory variable, the estimated model standard deviation s, and the P-value for the test of a linear association. For each analysis, make sure to specify whether you remove any observations or not.

    3. Which variable do you think is the best single explanatory variable of average debt? Explain your answer.

  12. 10.12 Complete check of the residuals. In Example 10.11 (page 532), we checked model assumptions using a scatterplot (Figure 10.9). Let’s consider assessing the model assumptions using the residuals. Data set icon for entre.

    1. Fit the (Educ, Inc) data using least-squares regression and obtain the residuals. Write down the least-squares regression line.

    2. Generate a plot of the residuals versus Educ and comment on the pattern. Does a linear fit appear reasonable? Does there appear to be constant variance? Are there any unusual observations? Explain your answers.

    3. Construct a histogram or a Normal quantile plot of the residuals. Do the residuals appear Normal? Explain your answer.

    4. Analysis of the residuals is typically done because patterns in the residuals are easier to see. Do you think the plots in parts (b)and (c) magnify the violations of assumptions better than the scatterplot in Figure 10.9? Write a short paragraph comparing the scatterplot with the residual plots.

  13. 10.13 Complete check of the residuals, continued. Refer to the previous exercise. In Example 10.12 (page 533), we checked model assumptions using a scatterplot (Figure 10.10) after log transforming the response variable. Data set icon for entre.

    1. Repeat parts (a) through (c) of the previous exercise using LogInc and Educ.

    2. Do you think we can comfortably perform inference using the log transformed y? Explain your answer.

  14. 10.14 Are the two fuel-efficiency measurements similar? Refer to Exercise 7.18 (page 407). In addition to the computer calculating miles per gallon (mpg), the driver also measured mpg by dividing the miles driven by the number of gallons at fill-up. The driver wants to determine if these calculations are similar. Data set icon for mpgdiff.

    Fill-up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Computer 41.5 50.7 36.6 37.3 34.2 45.0 48.0 43.2 47.7 42.2
    Driver 36.5 44.2 37.2 35.6 30.5 40.5 40.0 41.0 42.8 39.2
    Fill-up 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    Computer 43.2 44.6 48.4 46.4 46.8 39.2 37.3 43.5 44.3 43.3
    Driver 38.8 44.5 45.4 45.3 45.7 34.2 35.2 39.8 44.9 47.5
    1. Consider the driver’s mpg calculations as the explanatory variable. Plot the data and describe the relationship. Are there any outliers or unusual values? Does a linear relationship seem reasonable?

    2. Run the simple linear regression and state the least-squares regression line.

    3. Summarize the results. Does it appear that the computer and driver calculations are the same? Explain your answer.

  15. 10.15 Is the number of tornadoes increasing? The Storm Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration maintains a database of tornadoes, floods, and other weather phenomena. TABLE 10.1 summarizes the annual number of tornadoes in the United States between 1953 and 2019.7 (Note: These are time series data with weak autocorrelation, so simple linear regression is reasonable here.) Data set icon for twister.

    Table 10.1 Annual number of tornadoes in the United States between 1953 and 2019

    Year Number of tornadoes Year Number of tornadoes Year Number of tornadoes Year Number of tornadoes
    1953 422 1970  654 1987  658 2004 1813
    1954 550 1971  888 1988  700 2005 1262
    1955 591 1972  740 1989  859 2006 1106
    1956 504 1973 1104 1990 1140 2007 1100
    1957 857 1974  951 1991 1133 2008 1692
    1958 564 1975  918 1992 1302 2009 1146
    1959 602 1976  837 1993 1174 2010 1282
    1960 616 1977  854 1994 1085 2011 1691
    1961 698 1978  789 1995 1236 2012  938
    1962 656 1979  859 1996 1172 2013  906
    1963 462 1980  866 1997 1149 2014  886
    1964 706 1981  782 1998 1428 2015 1177
    1965 900 1982 1049 1999 1342 2016  976
    1966 585 1983  930 2000 1073 2017 1429
    1967 927 1984  912 2001 1212 2018 1126
    1968 661 1985  687 2002  934 2019 1276
    1969 607 1986  765 2003 1385
    1. Make a plot of the total number of tornadoes by year. Does a linear trend over years appear reasonable? Are there any outliers or unusual patterns? Explain your answer.

    2. Run the simple linear regression and report the least-squares regression line.

    3. A friend of yours thinks you made a mistake fitting the model because b0 is a large negative value. Explain to him why this is not a mistake.

    4. Obtain the residuals and plot them versus year. Are there any unusual patterns or cases that you did not discuss in part (a)? If so, comment on them.

    5. Are the residuals approximately Normal? Justify your answer.

    6. Based on the these residual checks, are you confident proceeding with inference? Explain your answer.

  16. 10.16 Annual increase? Refer to the previous exercise. Let’s proceed with inference regardless of your confidence level. Data set icon for twister.

    1. Do these data support a linear trend in the number of tornadoes? Justify your answer.

    2. Construct a 95% confidence interval for the average annual increase in the number of tornadoes. Explain how this interval can be used to justify your response in part (a).

    3. What is the predicted number of tornadoes in 2020?

    4. Provide an interval that should contain the actual count 95% of the time.

  17. 10.17 Computer memory. The capacity of memory commonly sold at retail has increased rapidly over time.8 Data set icon for mem.

    1. Make a scatterplot of the data. The growth is much faster than linear.

    2. Compute the logarithm of capacity and plot it against year. Are these points closer to a straight line?

    3. Fit the simple linear regression model with logarithm of capacity as the response and year as the explanatory variable. Give a 90% confidence interval for the slope of the population regression line.

    4. Write a brief summary describing the change in memory capacity over time using the confidence interval from part (c).

  18. NAEP 10.18 Alternative tornado model. Refer to Exercise 10.15. Most of the largest positive and negative deviations occur later in time. This suggests that there may not be constant variance. Because the response variable is a count, one can argue the variance is not constant (e.g., see the Poisson distribution, page 315). Data set icon for twister.

    1. Take the natural logarithm of the count and refit the model using this transformed response variable. Report the least-squares regression line.

    2. Check the residuals of this model. Does the linear regression model fit these data? Explain your answer.

    3. When the response y is on the log scale, the slope approximates the percent change in y for a unit increase in x. Construct an approximate 95% confidence interval for the annual percent change.

    4. Does this model also support the hypothesis that tornadoes have increased over time? Explain your answer.

    5. Construct a prediction interval for the predicted number of tornadoes in 2020 and compare it with the interval from part (d) of Exercise 10.19. (Note: An approximate interval can be constructed by first obtaining a prediction interval for logy and then taking the antilog (inverse function of log) of each interval endpoint.)

    6. Which of the two models (and thus prediction) do you prefer? Explain your answer.